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When is the best time to catch fluke in NJ?

In New Jersey, the prime time for fluke fishing, also known as summer flounder, typically starts in the spring and extends through early fall. The season's opening dates can vary each year based on regulations, so it's important to check the current year's regulations for exact dates. However, the general pattern is that as the water temperatures begin to rise in the spring, fluke start to move into the inshore waters and bays, making it a good time to start targeting them.

During the summer months, fluke fishing can be quite productive as these fish are actively feeding in preparation for their migration back offshore in the fall. Anglers often find success fishing for fluke from May through September, with peak activity often occurring in June and July when water temperatures are warm and baitfish are abundant.

As we transition into fall, fluke will begin to move back towards deeper waters, but there can still be opportunities to catch them, especially in the early fall before they leave the inshore areas completely. It's worth noting that in the "Fluke Fishing Tricks You Need To Try!" video by TacticalBassin, Matt Allen emphasizes that fall is a prime time for fishing soft jerk baits, which can be effective for targeting fluke as they feed aggressively in preparation for their migration.

Remember to always check the latest regulations and seasons for fluke in New Jersey before heading out, as these can change annually and are important for the sustainable management of the fishery.

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    When is the best time to catch fluke in NJ?