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Where can I find fish?

Hey there! It sounds like you're on the hunt for some fish, and I can definitely help with that. Based on the video context, it looks like you're exploring various spots like creeks, ponds, and even canals to find different types of fish. Here are some tips on where you might find fish, especially if you're looking for bass or other freshwater species:

  1. Creeks and Rivers: Look for areas with slower-moving water, such as pools or eddies. Fish often congregate in these spots because they provide shelter and food. In the video "Wading Clear Water for Wild Fish by Creek Fishing Adventures," they mention finding fish in little pockets and deeper holes.

  2. Weedy Areas: In "I Found a Pond INFESTED with Monster Sharks! by Bass fishing Productions," they mention a corner with a lot of weeds and plant matter. These areas are great for finding fish because they offer cover and attract smaller prey that fish feed on.

  3. Tide Pools and Shallow Areas: As seen in "Netting MYSTERY Aquarium Fish in HIDDEN WATERFALL! by Bass fishing Productions," tide pools and shallow areas can be rich with fish and other aquatic life. These spots are especially good for netting smaller fish and shrimp.

  4. Pipes and Water Outflows: In "Netting RARE Exotic Fish For My NEW AQUARIUM! by Bass fishing Productions," they found fish near a pipe with water gushing out. These areas can be hotspots because the flowing water brings in nutrients and smaller fish, attracting larger predators.

  5. Calm Waters Post-Hurricane: In "Albino ALIEN FISH Found LIVING in the WILD! by Bass fishing Productions," they mention exploring calmer waters after a hurricane. Post-storm conditions can sometimes displace fish, making them more likely to be found in unusual spots.

If you're specifically looking for bass, focus on:

  • Structure and Cover: Bass love hiding around structures like fallen trees, rocks, and submerged vegetation.
  • Shaded Areas: On sunny days, bass often seek shade under overhanging trees, docks, or lily pads.
  • Feeding Times: Early morning and late evening are prime times for bass fishing as they are more active and feeding.

If you have a specific type of fish or location in mind, feel free to provide more details, and I can give you more tailored advice. Happy fishing!

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Netting RARE Exotic Fish For My NEW AQUARIUM! by Bass fishing Productions a Molly up at top yeah I got him there's actually fish in there oh this one's actually got hints of orange and black see that's what I'm talking about so this one must have been a baby of like a normal one mixed with maybe that orange one so that's really cool they got all different types of morphs in here we'll keep this guy and we'll throw them in my mini pod I think he's too ugly for my mom but he's kind of cool now he actually came out of that pipe check it out with all the water gushing out who knows where that leads to but there's definitely cool fish coming from all right I think it's time to place the Trap guys this is definitely the hot spot now while this trap is marinade we're gonna walk down the canal and net around and see if we can find the Tetra hot spot because once you find one Tetra that's where you find all of them so let's get this trap in the water and then explore the rest of this Creek all right perfect we're gonna come back here in three hours check the fish trap for now let's explore the creek see what else we can find we just walked a little bit you can see where our fish trap is it's not too far but we have come across a really cool area in the creek check it
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I Found a Pond INFESTED with Monster Sharks! by Bass fishing Productions guys we've made it to the next spot for today now right here in this corner there's a lot of weeds a lot of plant matter and we just pulled up and we actually saw a bunch of baby snake heads so we know there's fish in here we're going to get down there and we're going to knit around and see what we can catch here we go I'm just going to take a net right here anyone in here oh look right here oh it's a baby Mayan cichlid look how fat that little Myan cichlid is okay we're going to throw him back we don't want him right here another fish oh it's another baby M cichlid are you serious oh dude dude it's another convic cichlid we're catching so many of these today that's just a little baby okay we're going to keep him we got our little keeper bucket there he goes oh oh dude there was a lot of fish right here in this corner look at that there was so many fish back there all over here beautiful African Sigler look at that a nice little blue one there was a lot more oh what is that dude oh my God Brandon it's a garami what you guys check this out we just caught ourselves a little baby gami I don't know what kind that is but he's really cool looking anyone else I can't believe it
Wading Clear Water for Wild Fish by Creek Fishing Adventures believe and that's a first I had a buite from a sunfish and then I've getting right up to here this is where I find usually could find those fish so right in here where I usually find him boom he picked it up oh there's a smly right there oh oh just I just bumped it off I've been casting over here second one I've seen I came right up on it and I just moved he was right here there's so many little pockets that can they can be in oh my goodness okay I think we're getting into some this area here should have more fish a lot connected water little solid little deep hole now I need to Reet my line cuz it's scratched up oh there we go finally got a thump everything else has been just like a slight pickup yeah there we go we're going to get into some fish here oh Sun's popping out a little bit too I'd rather that sun come out cuz I think it makes these fish a little more active and also they can be hiding under their little areas and just they see something fall in they jump out and hit it all right number two little guy here there definitely got to be one right in front of me if there's one there oh dude I got thumped immediately this is a good one holy cow they're in this area
Albino ALIEN FISH Found LIVING in the WILD! by Bass fishing Productions we should go down that way actually because we never go that way and it looks a little looks a little calmer there the water's not rushing as fast I think the fish will probably be over there so let's go check that out dude look there's raccoon footprints the raccoons are going up and down this Creek eating all the fish oh maybe that explains why we're not counting anything guys so far two crawfish one Jewel cichlid not really a lot to show for but hey our hurricane was just here okay that's my excuse we're just gonna walk down this part because it gets real shallow here we might find something cool here in the weeds like look at this you know oh just more shrimp yeah more shrimp more shrimp I don't want shrimp I want shrimp the tire oh guys the tire and tunnel uh before and I think the hurricane like brought it all the way down here what is this oh that's Grandma's soup there might be something in it oh Bobby I just sank like a whole foot dude look at all the bubbles like I'm like stirring soup you know Bobby's cooking channel more shrimp oh I don't like that should I just lift it look at all the fish that are in there oh I need those people okay I need to feed my fish all right we'll keep all the bait fish dude

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    Where can I find fish?