
PayPal is an approved PayPal Commerce Platform partner.

Payments Marketplace transactions are processed through PayPal. By using our services, you agree to comply with PayPal's User Agreements.

Buyer & Seller Protection

Learn more about PayPal Protection

Directions for disconnecting a PayPal account

  • After you have disconnected from, you can revoke permissions from your PayPal account.
  • Login to PayPal and visit Partner Consents to revoke permissions from the platform .
  • To find the same link above, click your avatar (top-right), select "Account Settings" then "API Access". Under "REST API Integration", choose "Manage REST API apps and credentials" and select the app to revoke permissions.


PayPal issues a 1099-K form if you receive payments exceeding the annual threshold. PayPal Tax Information

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding this page, please contact us: [email protected]

For all other inquiries related to PayPal
Contact PayPal Support
