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What is five fish plus five fish?

Well, if we're talking about tallying up a catch, adding five bass to another five bass would give you a total of ten bass. That's a pretty solid day on the water by any standard, especially if you're working a challenge or a tournament where numbers can make a big difference. Remember, in a tournament setting, it's not just about the quantity but also the quality of the fish. Each bass could contribute significantly to your overall weight, which is what often determines the winner. Keep those lines tight and keep casting!

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MAJOR CHANGES to Major League Fishing! (My Take) by DC Fishing that I am happy about with the five fish limit change okay that's what we've all grew up doing okay we've all grew up doing that and that's just what we've all known okay and if we can relate to the local guy at the local like I want to relate to my buddies around the house I don't want them thinking they're alienated because they can't do the same format as us and we're just not there yet so we're going back to five the biggest question that everybody is like wondering what's gonna happen is there going to be a flip-flop on the leaderboard I don't know I could not tell you I mean in a five fish limit I will say this there is a lot of luck involved I think anybody can say that when you fish a Saturday terminal lay lake on Alabama whoever swims up a six pound two ouncer you're probably gonna win that day because everybody kind of knows how to catch 12 pounds but boom you got 19 and a half you win the tournament hip hip hooray call Grand it call you granddaddy say hey put the chicken in the pot let's freaking go eat this has been a good day my mindset is I don't think that you're gonna see a big flip-flop in the leaderboard I'm not even talking about me or nothing I'm just saying like this is going to be the same kind of

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    What is five fish plus five fish?