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When I shake it, it doesn't seem flexible at all, is that okay?

Absolutely, I can help with that! The flexibility or stiffness of a rod can vary greatly depending on its intended use and construction. From the video context, it seems like you're using a Lew's Carbon Fire rod, which might be designed with a stiffer action.

Understanding Rod Flexibility:

  1. Rod Action: The term "action" refers to how much and where a rod bends when pressure is applied. A fast action rod bends mostly near the tip, making it stiffer and more sensitive, which is great for techniques requiring quick hook sets, like jigging or worm fishing.
  2. Rod Power: This refers to the rod's resistance to bending. A rod with heavy power will be less flexible and more suitable for pulling bass out of heavy cover or using larger lures.

Lew's Carbon Fire Rod:

Based on the video context, it seems like Lew's rods, including the Carbon Fire, are known for their sensitivity and build quality. If your rod feels stiff when you shake it, it might be designed that way to enhance sensitivity and provide better control during hook sets.

Is Stiffness Okay?

Yes, it can be perfectly okay and even beneficial depending on your fishing style:

  • Techniques: If you're using techniques that require precise control and quick hook sets (like jigging or using soft plastics), a stiffer rod is advantageous.
  • Sensitivity: Stiffer rods often transmit vibrations better, allowing you to feel subtle bites or the structure you're fishing over.

Things to Consider:

  • Intended Use: Make sure the rod's action and power match the type of fishing you plan to do.
  • Personal Preference: Some anglers prefer a stiffer rod for certain techniques, while others might like a more flexible rod for different applications.

If you find the rod too stiff for your liking or the techniques you're using, you might want to consider a rod with a different action or power rating.

If you have any more specific questions about your setup or need further clarification, feel free to ask! Happy fishing! 🎣

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    When I shake it, it doesn't seem flexible at all, is that okay?