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Is Humminbird abandoning the Solix line due to glitches?

Hi there! Based on the video context provided, there isn't any mention of Humminbird discontinuing the Solix line due to technical issues. In fact, the reviews from TacticalBassin and other sources highlight the advanced features and capabilities of the Solix units, particularly their side imaging, down imaging, and integration with other boat electronics.

The Solix 15, for example, is praised for its large screen and detailed imaging, which can be a game-changer when it comes to locating bass. The transition from older units to the Solix has been described as a significant upgrade, with users being impressed by the clarity and functionality of the new system.

However, it's worth noting that some users have experienced issues with the touch screen processors on certain Humminbird models, as mentioned in the Milliken Fishing video. These issues have led some anglers to prefer non-touch screen models like the Helix for reliability.

If you have heard rumors about the discontinuation of the Solix line, it would be best to check directly with Humminbird or look for official announcements from the company. Manufacturers often update their product lines, but without specific information, it's hard to confirm any discontinuation.

If you have any more details or specific concerns, feel free to share, and I'll do my best to provide more information! Happy fishing! 🎣

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    Is Humminbird abandoning the Solix line due to glitches?