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Is it the second one?

The statement "Using a brightly colored lure is always the best choice for catching bass" is indeed a lie. The effectiveness of lure color can vary greatly depending on several factors, including water clarity, light conditions, and what the bass are currently feeding on.

Based on the video context provided, here are some key points to consider:

  1. Water Clarity:

    • In clear water, natural colors like green pumpkin, watermelon, and brown tend to work best because they mimic the natural prey of bass and are less likely to spook them.
    • In murky or stained water, brighter colors like chartreuse, white, and pearl, or darker colors like black and June bug, can be more effective because they are more visible to bass.
  2. Light Conditions:

    • On bright, sunny days, natural and translucent colors are often more effective.
    • On overcast days or in low light conditions, darker or brighter colors can stand out better and attract more attention from bass.
  3. Bass Diet:

    • If bass are feeding on crawfish, colors like green pumpkin or red can be effective.
    • If they are feeding on shad or other baitfish, white or shad-patterned lures might be the best choice.
  4. Environmental Variables:

    • Factors like wind, time of day, and sky conditions also play a significant role in determining the best lure color. For example, in windy conditions, fast-moving and brightly colored lures might be more effective.

From the videos, it's clear that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to selecting lure color. Instead, it's about understanding the conditions and adapting your choice accordingly. As Randy Blaukat mentioned, bass can quickly become conditioned to seeing the same lures, so sometimes using something different can also be a game-changer.

In conclusion, while brightly colored lures can be effective in certain situations, they are not always the best choice. It's essential to consider the specific fishing conditions and adjust your lure color to maximize your chances of success.

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    Is it the second one?