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What are the fishing regulations?

Bass fishing regulations in California can vary depending on the specific body of water you're fishing in, as well as the time of year. Generally, for largemouth and smallmouth bass, the statewide regulation is a 12-inch minimum size limit with a daily bag limit of five fish in combination. However, some waters have special regulations that may include different size and bag limits, slot limits, or catch-and-release only rules.

For spotted bass, there are often no minimum size limits, but the daily bag limit is usually the same as for largemouth and smallmouth bass, which is five in combination.

It's important to note that during certain times of the year, specific lakes or regions may have additional restrictions to protect the bass during their spawning season. Always check the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) regulations for the specific area you plan to fish, as they provide the most current and detailed information.

In the video contexts provided, there are mentions of fishing for different types of bass in various locations in California, such as sand bass, spotted bay bass, and calico bass. The regulations for these species can differ from those for largemouth and smallmouth bass. For example, Ben Florentino mentions the legal size limit for calico bass, which is 14 inches, and this is specific to ocean fishing regulations.

If you're planning a trip or need the most up-to-date regulations, it's best to visit the CDFW website or consult the current year's California Sport Fishing Regulations booklet. Additionally, as a pro bass fishing guide, I would recommend always having a copy of the regulations with you on your fishing trips to ensure you're in compliance. If you need more specific information or have questions about a particular location, feel free to ask!

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