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For Lake Arthur, Pennsylvania in August, what color worms and lures do you recommend using?

For Lake Arthur, Pennsylvania in August, you’ll want to consider a few key factors when choosing the color of your worms and lures: water clarity, light conditions, and the type of forage available.

Water Clarity and Light Conditions

Based on the video context provided, here are some recommendations:

  1. Junebug Color:

    • Conditions: This color is versatile and works well in both slightly off-colored and clearer waters. It's particularly effective on cloudy days or in shaded areas.
    • Usage: Use Junebug colored worms when fishing around boat docks, flooded bushes, or offshore structures like brush piles. It's a great choice for deeper water (15-25 feet) during the summer months.
  2. Green Pumpkin Blue Flake and Sooner Run:

    • Conditions: These colors are excellent for clearer water conditions and when you want a more natural presentation.
    • Usage: Rig these colors on a Texas rig with a 3/16 ounce weight for optimal action. They are effective around laydowns, logs, and channel markers.
  3. Black Neon Chartreuse:

    • Conditions: This color is highly effective in both crystal clear and dirty water, especially at night.
    • Usage: Use a Texas rig with a 3/8 ounce weight or lighter, depending on the rate of fall the fish prefer. This color is excellent for fishing through heavy cover.

Forage and Bait Size

In August, bass can be targeting both large and small prey:

  1. Large Profile Baits:

    • Mondo Worms: Use larger profile baits like the Mondo worm for targeting bass that are feeding on bigger prey such as bluegill, crawdads, and gizzard shad.
    • Conditions: These are effective when bass are concentrated on larger baitfish.
  2. Small Profile Baits:

    • Smaller Shad Imitations: Use smaller profile baits to mimic the smaller shad that have recently hatched.
    • Conditions: These are effective when bass are feeding on smaller baitfish, which is common in late summer.


  1. Texas Rig:

    • Setup: Use a 3/16 ounce weight for worms like the Magnum Connect Worm to allow for a natural glide. A heavier weight like 3/8 ounce can be used for deeper or more aggressive presentations.
    • Application: This rig is versatile and can be used around various types of cover, including laydowns, grass edges, and channel markers.
  2. Wacky Rig:

    • Setup: This finesse technique is great for getting bites when the fish are less aggressive.
    • Application: Fish it around grass edges in 8-12 feet of water for smaller bass, but be prepared for fewer but larger catches when switching to a Texas rig.

Final Tips

  • Experiment with Rates of Fall: Sometimes the bass will prefer a slower or faster falling bait, so having multiple setups with different weights can be beneficial.
  • Match the Hatch: Pay attention to the local forage and try to match your bait size and color to what the bass are feeding on.

If you have any more specific details about the water clarity or the type of cover at Lake Arthur, feel free to share, and I can provide more tailored advice. Happy fishing!

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    For Lake Arthur, Pennsylvania in August, what color worms and lures do you recommend using?