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Where do fish go in dirty water?

When the water is dirty, bass tend to change their behavior and location to adapt to the reduced visibility and altered conditions. Here are some key points to consider based on the video context:

  1. Seek Clearer Water: In lakes where water clarity is generally low, such as those with visibility under two feet, bass will often move to areas where the water is clearer. These clearer areas can be found in backwaters, upper creek arms, and tributaries that clean up faster after a rain. As Randy Blaukat mentions, these spots can be more productive, especially in the spring.

  2. Warm Rain Influence: Mike Iaconelli highlights that warm rain can attract bass to incoming dirty water in feeder creeks, river arms, and ditches. This is because the warmer water can be a magnet for bass during the spring months (March, April, and May). However, cold rain will have the opposite effect, pushing bass away from the colder, muddy inflows.

  3. Shallow and Cover-Oriented: In muddy water, bass often move shallower and stick close to cover. As explained by Wired2Fish, bass will hug tight to structures like sea walls, docks, and thick vegetation. This behavior is similar to feeling for walls in a smoky room; bass use cover to navigate and feel secure in low-visibility conditions.

  4. Stable Water Conditions: Matt Stefan points out that during certain times of the year, such as summer, bass may prefer clearer water because it offers more stable conditions. However, in spring or after a rain, the warmer, off-colored water might be more appealing.

  5. Depth Adjustments: In dirty water, bass tend to move higher up in the water column. For example, in clear water, bass might be spread out from the surface down to 40 feet, but in dirty water, they might be concentrated from the surface down to 15-20 feet.

In summary, when the water is dirty, bass typically:

  • Seek out clearer water areas if available.
  • Move to warmer, dirty inflows during spring warm rains.
  • Stay shallow and close to cover.
  • Adjust their depth based on water clarity and temperature stability.

If you have any specific details about your fishing location or conditions, feel free to share, and I can provide more tailored advice!

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    Where do fish go in dirty water?