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How deep should I fish Canyon Lake Arizona in March?

In March, the bass at Canyon Lake, Arizona, are likely in their pre-spawn to spawning phases, depending on the water temperature. As Randy Blaukat discusses in his videos, during the pre-spawn, bass often move to shallower waters. They might be found in depths ranging from 3 to 15 feet, especially near structures like rocky banks, points, and cover such as submerged trees or brush piles.

As the water temperature approaches the mid-50s to 60 degrees, which is common in March, bass will start to move into shallower areas in preparation for spawning. They may be found on flatter banks and near spawning flats. It's a good idea to target areas with some cover, as bass will use these for staging before they move up to the shallows to spawn.

Keep in mind that water clarity can also affect depth. In slightly stained to off-colored water, bass may be more comfortable in shallower water even during cooler temperatures. If you're fishing in clearer water, they might be a bit deeper.

To sum it up, start by targeting areas with depths of 3 to 15 feet, focusing on structure and cover that bass can use as staging areas before moving shallow to spawn. Adjust your depth based on water clarity and temperature, and keep an eye out for signs of bass moving up to spawn as the water warms. Remember, the bigger fish often move shallow first, so March can be an excellent time to catch a trophy bass at Canyon Lake.

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    How deep should I fish Canyon Lake Arizona in March?