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Which is more weedless: Texas rig or football head?

Great question! Both the Texas rig and the football head jig have their own unique advantages when it comes to fishing in weedy areas, but they serve slightly different purposes.

Texas Rig: The Texas rig is known for its weedless properties. When you rig a soft plastic bait Texas style, you insert the hook point back into the body of the bait, making it less likely to snag on vegetation. This makes it ideal for fishing in heavy cover, such as thick grass, lily pads, or brush piles. The bullet weight used in a Texas rig also helps it slide through weeds more easily.

Football Head Jig: A football head jig, on the other hand, is generally used for fishing rocky bottoms or areas with sparse cover. The shape of the head allows it to move through rocks and create disturbances that attract bass. However, traditional football head jigs often have an exposed hook, which can get snagged in weeds. That said, there are ways to make football head jigs more weedless. For example, you can use a football head jig with a weed guard or modify it with a hitchhiker or screw lock to make it more weedless, as mentioned in the videos by TackleJunky81 and Wired2Fish.

In Summary:

  • Texas Rig: Generally more weedless and better suited for heavy vegetation.
  • Football Head Jig: Better for rocky or sparse cover but can be modified to be more weedless.

If you're fishing in very weedy areas, the Texas rig is typically the better choice. However, if you're in an area with mixed cover or rocky bottoms and want to use a football head jig, consider using one with a weed guard or modifying it to be more weedless.

Hope this helps! If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!

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Request Vid: Rigging the River2Sea Football Jig Weedless by TackleJunky81 hey what's going on guys another quest video for you today I was asked how to make the river to see football jigs weedless I didn't buy these to make them wait lists normally I use John for football jigs I'm in open water I'll tear off the weed guards you guys hear me say that before but if you want to make these weed lists or any other jigs that you say you tear out your regards you want to make them wait list you can use a hitchhiker or you can you use the owner CPS pin I seen this tip in a basket master magazine before all you want to do just take your hitchhiker grab your bait i'm using a young crop happy screw it in the bait just like that okay take your football jig clip it on just like that and just complete your Texas rig see what's going to come out at just like that so you can drag it around it's weightless there you go hope it helps you guys out thanks for watching I'll talk to you soon
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    Which is more weedless: Texas rig or football head?