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What locations on Falls Lake are good in March and April?

In March and April, bass fishing on Falls Lake in North Carolina can be quite productive as the fish transition through pre-spawn and spawn periods. During March, bass are often in pre-spawn mode, so you'll want to target areas where bass are staging before they move shallow to spawn. Look for secondary points, channel swings, and rocky areas where the water is starting to warm up. These transitional zones can be hotspots as bass move from their winter haunts toward shallower spawning grounds.

As April arrives and the spawn gets into full swing, focus on shallower areas where bass will be making beds. Protected coves, flats with cover such as submerged vegetation or laydowns, and the backs of creeks are prime areas to target. Bass will be looking for warmer water and suitable habitat to lay their eggs, so sunny banks and shallow bays can be particularly effective spots.

Remember, as the BassResource video suggests, the conditions can change daily, so it's important to be adaptable. If you have a stretch of warm, stable weather, the bass might move up shallow more aggressively. Conversely, if a cold front comes through, they may pull back to slightly deeper water.

Also, take into account the water clarity and color, as mentioned in the Bass University video. After heavy rains or during runoff periods, bass might be found closer to cover or in stained water areas where visibility is reduced.

Keep in mind that every year is different, and bass behavior can vary. It's always a good idea to have a variety of baits rigged and ready, from soft plastics for bed fishing to crankbaits for covering water during pre-spawn. And as always, pay attention to the local fishing reports and any recent tournament outcomes for the latest insights on where the bass are biting on Falls Lake.

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    What locations on Falls Lake are good in March and April?