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What lures should I use during today's weather?

Based on the video context provided, the recommended fishing lures for catching bass in cold, rainy, or snowy conditions, particularly from November to March, would be:

  1. Jigs: These are highly effective in cold water when bass tend to hold close to the bottom. They mimic crawdads, which bass feed on during these conditions. You would want to pitch and flip the jig around structures like bare rocks, laydowns, and docks. Jigs work well in both clear and dirty water, especially when the water temperature is below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

  2. Jerkbaits: In clear water with visibility over 5 feet, even during hard rain or snow, a bright-colored jerkbait can be very effective. The erratic action of a jerkbait can trigger strikes from bass that are holding shallower. The Mega Bass Vision 110 is mentioned as a good choice, and it's recommended to fish it close to the bank.

  3. Spinnerbaits: Downsizing to a 3/8 ounce spinnerbait with smaller willow leaf blades can be beneficial. These should be fished faster and shallower than in dirty water conditions. Spinnerbaits can be particularly effective when the water temperature is still in the mid-50s.

  4. Buzzbaits: A half-ounce buzzbait worked around shallow cover and rocky banks with a very slow retrieve can also be effective. It's suggested to use a heavy line, like 25-pound test, and to expect bites close to the bank.

  5. Lipless Crankbaits: These are great for windy conditions due to their compact design and weight, which allows for long casts even against the wind. The noise and vibration they produce can attract bass on windy days. The Magic Man by 13 Fishing is mentioned, with different sizes (65 and 75) to match the depth and size of the baitfish present.

Remember, the choice of lure can also depend on the water clarity, water temperature, and how active the fish are. It's often a good idea to experiment with different lures and presentations to see what the bass are responding to on any given day. Keep in mind that after cold fronts and during windy conditions, bass might be more lethargic, so getting the bait closer to them and using reaction baits can trigger strikes.

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    What lures should I use during today's weather?