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What do freshwater anglers like to use to quickly and easily weigh and measure bass? What about panfish?

Great question! When it comes to quickly and easily weighing and measuring panfish, freshwater anglers have several tools at their disposal. Here are some of the popular options:

  1. Digital Scales:

    • Rapala Tournament Scale: As mentioned in the video by Wheeler Fishing, the Rapala Tournament Scale is a reliable choice. It allows you to weigh your fish accurately and can be cleared to ensure precise measurements.
    • Bubba Scale: This scale, highlighted in the Bass Fishing Declassified video, offers features like locking in the weight, keeping track of the total weight, and even showing your smallest and largest fish. It’s versatile and user-friendly.
  2. Measuring Boards:

    • Measuring Tape or Boards: For measuring the length of panfish, a simple measuring tape or board can be very effective. As seen in the TackleJunky81 video, keeping a tape measure in your tackle bag is handy for quick measurements, especially if your digital scale's batteries die.
  3. Fish Grippers:

    • Ego Fish Grippers: These are useful for handling fish, especially if you want to avoid direct contact. They can also help in weighing fish by attaching them to a scale.
  4. Combo Tools:

    • Paula's Digital Grip Measurement: As mentioned in the Fishing With YakPak video, this tool combines a digital scale with a measuring device, making it very convenient. It also links to an app via Bluetooth for easy record-keeping.

For panfish, which are generally smaller, these tools will help you quickly and accurately weigh and measure your catch. If you have any specific preferences or need further details on any of these tools, feel free to ask!

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    What do freshwater anglers like to use to quickly and easily weigh and measure bass? What about panfish?