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Should an assortment of floating and suspending lures be on hand?

Absolutely, having an assortment of both floating and suspending Rapala lures can be very beneficial for autumn early morning bass fishing. Here's why:

Floating Rapala Lures:

  1. Surface Action: Floating lures are excellent for topwater action, which can be particularly effective during the early morning hours when bass are often feeding near the surface.
  2. Versatility: You can use them in shallow waters around cover like stumps, laydowns, and boat docks, as mentioned in the video by Randy Blaukat. They can mimic injured baitfish, which can trigger aggressive strikes from bass.
  3. Techniques: Try using a "twitch and pause" technique to simulate a struggling baitfish. This can be particularly effective in the fall when bass are feeding heavily to prepare for winter.

Suspending Rapala Lures:

  1. Mid-Depth Coverage: Suspending lures are great for targeting bass that are holding in mid-depths. These lures stay in the strike zone longer, making them ideal for lethargic fish that aren't willing to chase fast-moving baits.
  2. Cold Water Effectiveness: As the water temperature drops, bass can become less active. The suspending action allows the lure to stay in front of the fish longer, increasing your chances of a bite.
  3. Techniques: Use a "jerk-pause" retrieve. Jerk the lure to give it an erratic action, then pause to let it suspend. This mimics a dying baitfish, which can be irresistible to bass.

Video Context:

From the videos, it's clear that fall is a time when bass are on the move and can be found at various depths. Tyler from TylersReelFishing mentions using suspending jerk baits as one of the effective fall tactics. Randy Blaukat also highlights the importance of using different lures like spinnerbaits and floating worms in specific conditions, which implies the need for versatility in your tackle box.


  • Floating Lures: Consider Rapala Original Floating Minnows. They are classic topwater lures that can be very effective in shallow waters and around cover.
  • Suspending Lures: Rapala X-Rap series are excellent suspending jerk baits. They have a great action and can be very effective in cooler water temperatures.


Having both types of lures gives you the flexibility to adapt to different fishing conditions and bass behaviors. Early mornings in autumn can present a variety of opportunities, and being prepared with both floating and suspending lures will increase your chances of success.

If you have any more specific questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask! Happy fishing! 🎣

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    Should an assortment of floating and suspending lures be on hand?