Wacky Rig - Dropshot Senko Techniques | Bass Fishing by Bass Fishing Tips & Techniques by BassResource → But I use co-polymer because fluorocarbon,
it gets heavy and sinks a bit. And again, that interferes with the bait,
in my opinion. So that's why I like using co-polymer. It's pretty much neutrally-buoyant, and that
way, the bait can do its thing and look as natural as possible. So six pound, real light line, and because
of that, I'm using a medium, light-action rod. It's got lots of flexibility in it here, and
you need that. Because when you set the hook and you're fighting
the fish back, you don't want to break the line, nor do you want to bend the hook out. So you need that kind of flexibility, medium,
light-action rod. So that's the gear. That's how we're rigging it today. Now, let's go fishing. Okay what I'm fishing here is an area that
has rocky bottom with some scattered weeds. Great place to fish the drop shot rig. Now, one of the things I didn't tell you about
earlier was on this length. Yeah, we're starting with about 18 inches,
but I'll change that length depending on the circumstances I'm fishing in. So for example, if I'm fishing in deeper water,
fishing in clearer water, or during the summertime, I might move up to 24 inches, maybe even 30
inches, because the fish, they're actively feeding. They can see it from further distances. They're going to chase it further. So I want to get it up off the bottom a little
bit further.