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What color plastics should be used for fishing Lake Arthur at noon on an overcast day? Please explain the colors for bass and panfish.

For fishing Lake Arthur at noon on an overcast day, especially targeting bass and panfish, you'll want to consider using darker colored soft plastics. Based on the video context from "Choosing Soft Plastic Colors...The Myths And Reality All Anglers Should Know" by Randy Blaukat and "What color frog should you throw? Dean Rojas breaks down selecting the right shade" by Bassmaster, darker colors tend to perform well under low light conditions such as overcast skies.

Here's a detailed breakdown:

  1. Darker Colors for Overcast Conditions: On overcast days, darker colors like black, June bug, and red bug are effective. These colors provide a strong silhouette against the murky water and low light, making it easier for bass and panfish to spot them.

  2. Black: As Randy Blaukat mentioned, black works well in both very clear and very murky water. Given the overcast conditions, black can be a great choice as it stands out well.

  3. June Bug and Red Bug: These colors are particularly effective around aquatic vegetation and in deeper waters. If Lake Arthur has areas with vegetation or deeper sections, these colors can be very productive.

  4. Natural Greens: If you find that the water is clearer or if the overcast conditions lighten up, switching to more natural tones like green pumpkin or watermelon can be beneficial. These colors mimic the natural forage like panfish and crawfish, which bass and panfish feed on.

  5. Panfish Imitations: Since you're also targeting panfish, using colors that mimic their natural prey is key. Watermelon and green pumpkin are excellent choices as they resemble the natural colors of bluegill and other panfish species.

In summary, for Lake Arthur at noon on an overcast day, start with darker colors like black, June bug, and red bug. If conditions change or if you notice clearer water, you can transition to natural greens like green pumpkin or watermelon. These strategies should help you effectively target both bass and panfish.

Happy fishing, and tight lines! If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask.

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    What color plastics should be used for fishing Lake Arthur at noon on an overcast day? Please explain the colors for bass and panfish.