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How many species of fish have you caught?

As a bass fishing guide, I've had the opportunity to target a variety of species, especially when clients are interested in multi-species trips. However, without knowing the specific context of your question, I can't give you an exact number of different species I've caught. If you're asking about my personal experience, it can vary widely depending on the regions I've fished in and the types of water bodies I've targeted.

If you're referring to the videos mentioned, it seems like the anglers are engaging in some exciting multi-species challenges and adventures. For example, Jon B. was ice fishing and caught a pickerel, which wasn't the bass he was hoping for, but it still added to the species count for the day. LakeForkGuy mentioned catching bass and enjoying outdoor adventures, which could include a variety of species. And 618 Fishing was on a quest to catch a musky, which is often referred to as "The Fish of 10,000 Casts" due to its elusive nature.

If you're curious about the specific number of species I've caught, I'd be happy to share more if you can provide a bit more context or clarify your question. Are you interested in freshwater species, saltwater, or both? And are you asking about my professional guiding experience or my personal fishing adventures?

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    How many species of fish have you caught?