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How to use chicken bait to fish?

When fishing with chicken bait, particularly for species like catfish, you'll want to use a method that takes advantage of the bait's strong scent to attract fish. In the context of the video from Richard Gene The Fishing Machine, he's using a product called Magic Bait, available at Walmart, which comes in flavors like grasshopper and chicken blood. This type of bait is especially effective around areas where there's spilled grain and corn from barges, as the catfish are drawn to the stinking, souring bait.

Here's a step-by-step guide to fishing with chicken bait based on the techniques shown in the video:

  1. Select the Right Bait: Choose a chicken bait that has a strong scent, as this will be more attractive to catfish. In the video, Magic Bait is used, which is a prepared bait with a potent smell.

  2. Prepare Your Hook: Instead of just hooking the bait, pack it onto the hook tightly. This ensures that the bait stays on the hook when you cast and while it's in the water.

  3. Choose Your Rig: Depending on the situation, you may need to adjust the position of your weight in relation to the bait. Sometimes you'll want the weight right on the bottom, and other times you may want it slightly off the bottom. This can be critical in presenting the bait in the most natural and enticing way to the catfish.

  4. Cast and Wait: Cast your line into the area you're targeting, and be patient. Catfish will often be attracted to the scent of the bait and may take some time to find and bite it.

  5. Detecting the Bite: Pay attention to your line and rod tip for any signs of a bite. Catfish bites can sometimes be subtle, so a sensitive setup can help you detect when a fish has taken the bait.

  6. Setting the Hook: Once you feel a bite, set the hook with a firm but not overly aggressive motion. Catfish have tough mouths, so a good hook set is necessary to ensure the hook penetrates.

Remember, the effectiveness of chicken bait can vary depending on the environment and the feeding habits of the catfish in the area you're fishing. Always be prepared to adjust your technique and experiment with different presentations to find what works best.

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A Simple Way To Catch Catfish With Magic Bait From Walmart by Richard Gene The Fishing Machine this is a perfect way to get you a lot of good eating catfish and do it a simple way this is called magic Bay now you can get this at your local Walmart all of them carry it this is an excellent selection bait selection for what we're going to be doing today we're going to be fishing specifically for channel cat I had the reason why I'm using this and they make a couple different flavors this is grasshopper and chicken blow and I also have some in here that's chicken blooded just chicken blood but anyway the reason why they're hitting this stinking stinking stuff let me show you oh my goodness that stains I cannot tell you how bad that stays okay you can imagine what okay see what it looks like it stinks just as bad as the real thing but that's good it stinks so but the reason why it's working here around these barges is because this is where corn and also grain is loaded up onto these barges and a lot of it's spilling over into the water sink into the bottle souring oh it stinks a lot of it's floating up here on the surface right now and I'll show that to you but most of it's on the bottle and in this hot water it will sour and stain just as bad as this now these Channel Cats will draw around these ball barges especially when there's a spill and
A Simple Way To Catch Catfish With Magic Bait From Walmart by Richard Gene The Fishing Machine they'll fade on the Grain and the corn because it stings they're used to feeding on stinking stuff so that's why this is very very effective it's just that simple this is a situation type deal okay but this is not the only situation that this kind of stuff will work it'll work in Creeks small rivers when it comes to channel cat all right folks let's open up some of this stinking stinking stuff right here let's see over that stains I can't tell y'all how that stings now this is an excellent Channel cat bait especially in a situation like this and what I do is just like I'm doing right there I'll pack it on I don't just hook it on I pack it on like that real tight and this stuff believe it or not it don't come off too easy all right let's get busy let's see yeah it's still showing some fish there now sometimes you know you have to mess around with this stuff I mean sometimes you need to fish up off the bottom oh a foot to four feet and a lot of times you need that weight to be right on the bottom and sometimes the weight to be just off the bottom I mean just off the bottom now that's something you'll have to play with um anytime you're catfishing no matter if you're fishing like this or with a live bait
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    How to use chicken bait to fish?