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What is the difference between structure and cover?

Absolutely, I'd be happy to clarify the difference between "structure" and "cover" as they are commonly used in bass fishing terminology.

"Structure" refers to the natural contours and features of the lake or river bottom. This includes elements like drop-offs, humps, ledges, points, and creek channels. Essentially, structure is related to the shape and composition of the bottom and can affect water depth and the way water moves around these features. Bass often relate to structure because it can concentrate baitfish and provide pathways for bass to follow.

On the other hand, "cover" refers to objects in the water that bass can use for protection, ambush, and sometimes as a source of food. Cover can be natural, like stumps, fallen trees, vegetation, and rock piles, or man-made, such as docks, bridge pilings, and artificial habitats. Bass use cover to hide from predators, stalk prey, and shield themselves from strong currents or bright sunlight.

To give you an example from the video content provided by The Bass University, Alton Jones talks about fishing the top edge of a point, which is a structure, and how cover like rocks or vegetation can enhance that structure and make it even more attractive to bass. Mark Davis also emphasizes that when talking about deep structure fishing, he's referring to bottom contour changes, not objects like trees, which he classifies as cover.

So, in summary, structure is the bottom layout of the water body, and cover is what's in the water that bass can use for cover. Both are critical to understand for successful bass fishing, as they heavily influence bass behavior and location.

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    What is the difference between structure and cover?