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Instead of snakehead, what are other types of fish that might live there?

Hey there! Great question about the types of fish you might find in Taman Belia Sungai Rambai, Malaysia. While the video context provided mostly focuses on snakeheads, there are several other species you might encounter in Malaysian freshwater systems. Here are a few:

  1. Giant Gourami (Osphronemus goramy): These are large, slow-moving fish that are quite popular in Southeast Asia. They can grow quite big and are often found in slow-moving rivers and lakes.

  2. Clown Knifefish (Chitala ornata): Known for their distinctive shape and ability to swim backward, these fish are quite a sight. They are nocturnal and prefer slow-moving waters.

  3. Tilapia (Oreochromis spp.): These are common in many freshwater systems around the world, including Malaysia. They are hardy fish and can thrive in various water conditions.

  4. Asian Arowana (Scleropages formosus): Also known as the Dragon Fish, these are highly prized in the aquarium trade. They are native to Southeast Asia and are known for their metallic sheen and elongated bodies.

  5. Barbs (Puntius spp.): Various species of barbs are found in Malaysian waters. They are small to medium-sized fish and are quite popular among local anglers.

  6. Catfish (Clarias spp. and Pangasius spp.): Several species of catfish are native to Malaysia. They are bottom dwellers and are often targeted by anglers for their size and fight.

  7. Peacock Bass (Cichla spp.): Although not native, peacock bass have been introduced to some areas in Malaysia and can be found in certain freshwater systems.

If you're planning to fish there, make sure to check local regulations and guidelines, as some species might be protected or have specific catch limits. Happy fishing, and I hope you land some great catches! If you have any more questions or need further details, feel free to ask. Tight lines!

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Crazy Urban Canal Fishing After a Tropical Storm by Lawson Lindsey species and the snakehead is probably just as problematic as a peacock bass is and they were introduced by the fish and wildlife commission so they kids get a bad rap and shows like river monsters definitely didn't help their case this just sort of took off and it exploded with the media people were calling in and saying do we have to worry about our children being attacked on the way to school can we leave our pets outside in the yard or will the snakeheads eat them we'd be far better off getting rid of every invasive species in florida but i just don't know if it's possible some type of ruckus going on up there oh no he came into it he looked for it yeah yeah yeah that's gonna do it yes yes oh that was sweet so sweet he's probably thick boys nice dude and coil yourself beaming dude just like blowfin they are not an easy fish to unhook slimer another snake for the afternoon probably like two and a half three pounder you think right around there another dark fish i would love for us to catch one of those spawned out yellow red ones man like that one that i lost yes like that one but i mean we finally dialed it in we had a lot of blobs that we weren't really connecting and now we're just absolutely hammering the fish be free he's in the corner yeah yes big one

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    Instead of snakehead, what are other types of fish that might live there?