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What locations on Falls Lake are productive currently in March and April?

Based on the insights provided by Randy Blaukat in the video, during March and April, the mid-lake section of Falls Lake would likely be the most productive area for bass fishing. This recommendation comes from the understanding that in many lakes, including Table Rock Lake which Randy mentions, the mid-lake area offers a balance of cleaner water, moderate temperatures, and suitable habitat transitions that bass prefer during the pre-spawn period.

In mid-March, you'd want to look for areas where the water clarity begins to change as you move up the lake. This is often where bass start to transition from their winter patterns to their pre-spawn behavior. The mid-lake region typically has the right mix of water clarity and temperature, which can make bass more active and willing to bite.

For Falls Lake, you might want to focus on secondary points within creeks, channel banks, and docks within a five-mile section of the mid-lake area. Also, pay attention to rock transitions along the main lake. These areas can provide structure and cover that attract pre-spawn bass.

Keep in mind that weather events, like torrential rains, can temporarily change conditions and affect where bass are holding. After such events, look for stained but not muddy water, as this can also be a hot spot for bass activity.

Remember, these are general guidelines based on patterns observed in similar lakes. For the most current and specific information about Falls Lake, it would be beneficial to check local fishing reports, talk with area anglers, or visit local tackle shops for the latest on-the-water conditions and bass activity.

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Why This Section Of Your Lake Is The No. 1 Area To Be Fishing In Mid-March by Intuitive Angling With Randy Blaukat you know if it's just if it puts a pretty heavy stain into the water and it's shallow and that water is warming up you can go like into the backs of the coves and the backs of the creeks you can catch those fish really shallow just temporarily all over the lake it could be on the lower end it could be the upper end the mid and whatever like that but that goes away as the creeks clear up and that type of stuff but what i want to talk about specifically is normal conditions where do you want to fish out the third week of april from my standpoint and from what i've seen in bass fishing in march this time of year the lake fish is pretty wide open there's there's always some type of a bite on the lower end and the mid lake and the upper end under normal conditions and a lot of this depends on the species of bass that you have in it if you've got a lake that's a predominant largemouth lake uh like say for example lake you fall on alabama you know that's going to create a different scenario you're going to have your options limited a little bit more but if you're fishing a lake like i'm going to today here at table rock lake where you got a mix of largemouth spotted bass and smallmouth that creates a lot more options for you
Why This Section Of Your Lake Is The No. 1 Area To Be Fishing In Mid-March by Intuitive Angling With Randy Blaukat like a torrential rains for three or four days floods out all the creeks you know you drive over some creek and you see it out of its banks a lot of you know water coming into the lake the lake's starting to come up that type of stuff what what that is going to do as long as that water temperature approaches 50 degrees which is getting close to that now in a lot of lakes across the country it creates some more options temporarily and it not only creates some options but it takes away some options under stable conditions a lot of those fish would still be suspended you know out over the deeper points they'd start they'd be starting to move up you know onto the flatter bank some of the largemouth and you know they just be in their typical spring migrations uh you know towards the spawning areas but when you have an influx of water which is common this time of year um a lot of times some of the areas that the fish normally suspend in those fish just won't bite i mean when you get some type of you know color under the water that milky look where it's churned up a little bit those fish really turn off and temporarily you can take advantage of some of those areas that are getting dirty water put into it as long as it's not muddy muddy
Why This Section Of Your Lake Is The No. 1 Area To Be Fishing In Mid-March by Intuitive Angling With Randy Blaukat my advice right now guys third week of march this time of year just look at the lake you're fishing i don't care if it's sam rayburn you know or if it's some place back east or whatever like that but just block you off like a five mile section of that lake in the mid part of the lake and explore all the options in there go in there and you know you know for 30 45 minutes i go into a creek i hit all the secondary points in there if that doesn't work go farther back up in the creek and hit the channel bank if that didn't work go over and hit some docks on that creek if that if you've exhausted the the uh avenues in that creek go out to the main lake and start fishing some rock transitions but what happens is by selecting just a little five mile section of the lake in one part of the lake where you know there's bass living at it allows you to cover those options quicker and you know by compartmentalizing that area of the lake and making it smaller just takes a lot of that intimidation factor out of it so anyway that's my suggestion guys that's what i'm going to do down here at table rock today i'm going to go to the mid part of the lake um it just seems like it's always better this time of year
Why This Section Of Your Lake Is The No. 1 Area To Be Fishing In Mid-March by Intuitive Angling With Randy Blaukat that move to the bank that are really catchable i mean yeah you'll have shallower fish up the river that are are on the bank shallower but those fish this time of year tend to be a little smaller a little bit bit more difficult to catch than the ones in the mid lake another thing i like about the mid lake is if you've got a mixed species lake which a lot of lakes across the country do you have all three species wanting to move a little bit shallower because it's not going to be that much longer you're just talking you know two or three more weeks and those fish are going to be really moving up hard into their bedding areas so they're wanting to move up shallow they're wanting to stay shallow and i have just found from my own personal experience if you concentrate just in that mid part of the lake or whatever part of the lake that you start to first notice some type of a water clarity change as you run up the lake that's the section you want to be and you'll find in bass fishing that the area the lake that you're fishing has a lot to do with it because at certain times of the year certain areas are just better than others it's just a combination of all these variables that we talked about but you got to have a starting point somewhere so
Why This Section Of Your Lake Is The No. 1 Area To Be Fishing In Mid-March by Intuitive Angling With Randy Blaukat as far as you know fish being in different stages and fish using different water depths right off the bat just to simplify it from the years of experience i've had with this when you're talking about the mid to late part of march the best part of the lake for me is that mid lake section it seems like to me the mid lake section you have a combination of you've got clean water for the most part overall for the lake but at the same time you begin to get a little bit of off-colored water for example i'll use table rock again right now you may have 10 foot of visibility down on the lower end of the lake and you may have five or six feet of visibility on the mid part of the lake um and you know gets dirtier as you get up the creeks like that the reason i like the mid part of the lake and not the lower end and the upper end is you got that mix you've got the mix of the right water clarity you got the mix of the temperatures coming up and you usually have some type of a sort of the bank transition in the mid part of the lake the geography the lake begins to change a little bit a lot of the lakes across the country the lower end of the lake tends to be a little steeper sometimes
Why This Section Of Your Lake Is The No. 1 Area To Be Fishing In Mid-March by Intuitive Angling With Randy Blaukat a little deeper and in the mid part of the lake it gradually sometimes starts to starts to flatten out not all the time but you've got more flat options like in the backs of the bays and the creeks and uh you know and then in the upper rivers you know tends to flatten out you've got a combination of maybe some channel banks bluff banks and then the opposite flat side with the dirtier water but when you're talking about 50 degree water bass are real temperature sensitive to 50 50 degree water as far as the things that makes them really aggressive and for me what i like to look for the third week of march is i know those fish want to be shallow i i all those bass out there and there's still a lot of bass suspended this time of year when the water's 50 degrees but internally those bats want to move shallow and the things that generate them and allow them to move shallow is normally a combination of a little bit off colored water days that are a little windier cloudy or rainy or that type of stuff you'll see more fish move up shallow and i found out in the mid part of the lake on any man-made lake when you've got that magic you know combination of 50 degree water water being a little bit more off-colored um those are the first fish

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    What locations on Falls Lake are productive currently in March and April?