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Does a dodger affect lead core depth?

Absolutely, a dodger can have a significant impact on the depth at which lead core fishing line runs. In bass fishing, a dodger is a type of attractor that creates additional flash and vibration in the water, which can help to draw in fish. However, it also adds resistance to your setup.

When you add a dodger to your lead core line, it increases the drag in the water. This additional drag can cause the line to run shallower than it would without the dodger. The exact impact on depth can vary based on several factors including the size and shape of the dodger, the speed at which you're trolling, and the weight of your lure.

To give you a more concrete example, if you're using a lead core line that typically runs at a depth of 20 feet without any additional resistance, adding a dodger might cause it to run at a shallower depth, say around 15-18 feet, depending on the factors mentioned above.

In the context of the videos you mentioned, particularly the one by Wheeler Fishing, it's clear that line diameter and resistance can affect the depth at which your lure runs. Similarly, adding a dodger increases resistance, which in turn affects the depth.

If you need more specific details or have a particular setup in mind, feel free to provide more information!

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    Does a dodger affect lead core depth?