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What is a yoyo retrieve?

A "yo-yo retrieve" is a popular technique in bass fishing, particularly effective with lipless crankbaits and blade baits. This method involves a lift-and-fall motion, mimicking the action of a yo-yo. Here's a detailed breakdown:

  1. Casting: Start by making a long cast to your target area. This could be near structures, ledges, or open water where bass are likely to be.

  2. Sinking: Allow the bait to sink to the bottom. Lipless crankbaits typically sink at a rate of about a foot per second, so you can count down to estimate the depth.

  3. Lifting: Position your rod tip at around 3 o'clock (parallel to the water surface) and then lift it up to 12 o'clock (vertical position). This motion causes the bait to rise off the bottom.

  4. Falling: After lifting, let the bait fall back to the bottom on a semi-slack line. This is crucial because many bites occur during the fall. The bait will shimmy or flutter down, imitating a dying or injured baitfish, which is highly attractive to bass.

  5. Repeating: Continue this lift-and-fall motion all the way back to the boat. The rhythm should be consistent: lift, fall, lift, fall.

Key Points:

  • Imitation: The yo-yo retrieve mimics the natural movement of injured baitfish or crawfish, making it irresistible to bass.
  • Versatility: This technique works well in various conditions, especially in colder water when bass are more lethargic.
  • Depth Control: You can adjust the depth by varying the length of time you let the bait sink before starting the retrieve.


  • Controlled Slack: Ensure you have controlled slack in your line during the fall. Too much slack can result in missed bites, while too little can affect the natural fall of the bait.
  • Experimentation: Sometimes, varying the speed and intensity of the lift can trigger more strikes. Faster lifts can create more aggressive reactions, while slower lifts can be more subtle.

In the video context provided, both Matt Stefan and Mike Iaconelli emphasize the effectiveness of the yo-yo retrieve in different scenarios, such as fishing deep ledges, rocky bottoms, and even fast currents. They also highlight the importance of the fall, where many bites occur.

If you have any more specific questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!

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This BASS FISHING TECHNIQUE WORKS! (FALL FISHING) by Mike Iaconelli Fishing using what i call a yo-yo retrieve and i want to show that to you right now you know basically yo-yo retrieve when you're fishing a lip-less is lift and fall lift and fall like a yo-yo like if you were throwing a yo-yo and it comes up and down and real easy to manipulate that with this bait because this is a sinking bait sinks about a foot a second so you know i'm going to make a long cast out there when it hits the water i'm basically going to put my rod tip at about three lift it to 12. ride it three lift it to 12. boom hits the bottom right at three lift it to 12. boom hits the bottom and i'm just gonna yo-yo it all the way back to the boat and it's a real good imitation of a dying bait fish especially when that bait's falling right they see it lift it's rattling and it falls and this ripping wrap you know here's what's interesting let me tell you this some of these baits shimmy on the fall but a ribbon wrap it falls quick and in my opinion you know there are times cold front like today inactive fish there are times when you want to bait fallen quick you want it ripping past their face so yo-yo retrieve lift and fall lift and fall that one came on the fall so you
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    What is a yoyo retrieve?