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What is the best way to catch a Noisefin Tuna?

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California Bluefin Tuna fishing - Big Tuna Dreams Episode 1 by BeAlive by BigBassDreams you're cutting the membrane of the fish that we it drains all the blood out of the fish that way you have perfect quality meat if not the meats very bloody and the sushi-grade just a mission bluefin tuna fetches incredible prices on the open market this is the same species of fish you hear about in the tokyo auctions that go for a hundred thousand-plus per fish we harvest these in a sustainable manner one at a time rod real bring it home care for it with the utmost care and love and get to share that experience through meals and friendship over a nice cold beverage and it gets people interested in you know curious it's good to know where your food comes from especially when you have this much fun in acquiring it it's wild gentle man Jerad boys first blood baby first blood yeah the initial cone travel for a vase right on top most attracted to the noise down yeah just getting steady lying about low gear yeah just like climbing a mountain and I'm out like and what I want to do right now making sure I keep my bend in that rock that's my shock absorber going all those head shakes you just break that fish as well it's a huge war of attrition man you know you got a giant Ferrari of an fish built for speed and power this is a very technical start fishing [Applause]
Lucky Tuna Through So Many Sharks by RoKKiT KiT that high can we see how that turns out and if it becomes a problem I'll have to bring it down a little bit so jump on the date [Applause] you [Applause] okay so we're going to start one and it'll be quicker it's definitely shocked just cruising around just had like nice decent so I shock just come up and swallow that bait all the way up the bait isn't going to be a problem but I've got a feeling that sharks are going to be today it's going to be a bit of a pain in the ass but anyway and one which is not much we can do about that push on and try our luck there's no lack of leg wait see you close it up thank you great it's not going to be for all of Taylor's [ __ ] click get those in oh man look around when the pillars are about you load up and we won't even bother see Tilly's just burn themselves out so quick that you don't even bother put them in a live bait because they just build always scales pop off they go berserk and they just kill everything else in the bucket now what's going on here we're off for school we do have bait so maybe we just put these baits straight out what are we going to do I've got a feeling that this came out
A Prized Eating Fish - Catch Clean Cook by RoKKiT KiT certainly go no that that rod looks a bit bouncy head shakes big head shakes that's a little unsharky the way you did that so you're always a guessing game starting to get a bit more of that tail beat that a long tail could get nice big runs the beginning fast this could be a long tail now starting to be getting a bit more long tail-ish see that rod i'm not sure if you can see it but starting to get this tail beaten a more bouncy feel which is very typical tuna oh let's get a look at him now take your time right there if it's a tuna now which kind of tuna though that'd be the next question i'm getting i'm getting ambitious let's just don't count our chickens before they're hatched now we're getting some tail beats now we're feeling a bit more like a tuner slow rhythmic bouncing rod and circle work that screams tuner let's just take our timer to pull any hooks then take it easy jeez that rod screened off didn't it if this is a tuner i'll be very happy man i doubt very much it's a mac tuna judging from the runs in the fight and otherwise it will be one hell of a big machine unless he's tail hooked that would be very disappointing now we're starting to make some ground it is a tuner please don't be a mac here now that looked very mac tunerish
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Giant Land Based Dogtooth Tuna! by Cavy Fishing whoa yes your lord man any idea that was on the surface obviously i don't know i don't think so it's a doggy yeah oh it's a big donkey guys [Applause] [Applause] there's a bit of blood coming out have you got flies yeah yeah grab the tail that is huge wow is that your biggest the biggest man that is a monster oh well have you got pliers yeah yeah i can get the hook out now yeah so big bro it's a cavillo from the first cast man from first boom sorry doggy we love you yeah man put his head under put the fish head under if we want to release we gotta do it pretty much now let's try and swim him he's not gonna live together okay you ready check out his doggy so big dude just took the stick bait way down into his skills and there was blood everywhere we tried to swim it out it wasn't going down at all so yeah unfortunately yeah so no release on this dog you don't give away this before we cut it up we've got a freezer box so we can freeze some and eat it every time we make food so yeah it's huge i might try and hold it up quickly oh there's action everywhere can i get back out there 26. it says 26 there oh cheers it looks bigger than 25 though it's a big tuner

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    What is the best way to catch a Noisefin Tuna?