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How do I fish bigger fishes?

To target larger bass, there are several effective techniques you can employ. Based on the video context provided, here are some strategies:

  1. Big Baits: As mentioned by Mike Iaconelli, the "big bait, big bass" theory is a solid approach. Upsizing your lure to something like a large swimbait, a 10-12 inch worm, or a jig with a bulky skirt can entice bigger bass to bite. These lures present a more substantial meal that is often too tempting for a trophy bass to pass up.

  2. Fishing Structure and Cover: When bank fishing, as discussed by TacticalBassin, focus on areas with structure such as points, breaks, or dams. Use big Texas rigs with large worms, lizards, or brush hogs to create a significant presence in the water. Also, consider using larger topwater lures or glide baits to target big fish.

  3. Power Fishing Techniques: In the spring, as TacticalBassin suggests, use power fishing techniques to cover water quickly and locate aggressive schools of bass. This can include using spinnerbaits, crankbaits, or chatterbaits to trigger a reaction strike from larger, more active fish.

  4. Optimal Conditions: As mentioned in the "How to Catch the Fish of a Lifetime" video, wait for optimal conditions to target giant bass. When conditions are right, these fish will be more active and likely to strike. During less than ideal conditions, they may be glued to the bottom, in which case a jig can be an effective lure choice.

  5. Speed Cranking and A-Rigs: As TacticalBassin points out, speed cranking can elicit a feed response from bass, while Alabama Rigs (A-Rigs) can take advantage of a bass's predatory instincts. Both techniques can be highly effective for catching monster bass.

Remember, each of these techniques can be adjusted based on the specific conditions of the body of water you're fishing. Don't hesitate to experiment with different presentations and retrieve speeds to see what the larger bass in your area are responding to. Good luck on the water, and tight lines!

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    How do I fish bigger fishes?