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What is the percentage for me to catch one?

Hey there! Thanks for reaching out with your question about catching perch in Sannegårds Hamnen. While my expertise primarily lies in bass fishing, I can certainly provide some insights that might help you out.

Perch are a popular target in many European waters, and Sannegårds Hamnen, being a harbor area, could potentially be a good spot for them. Here are a few factors to consider that might increase your chances of catching perch:

  1. Water Temperature: Perch are more active in cooler waters, typically between 10°C and 20°C. If the water temperature is within this range, your chances of catching perch are higher.

  2. Bait and Lures: Perch are known to go after small live baits like worms, minnows, or even small crayfish. Artificial lures like small jigs, spinners, and soft plastics can also be effective. Given the context from the videos, using baits that mimic the local forage can be particularly effective.

  3. Time of Day: Early morning and late afternoon are generally the best times to catch perch, as they tend to be more active during these periods.

  4. Location: Perch often hang around structures such as docks, piers, and submerged vegetation. In a harbor like Sannegårds Hamnen, try fishing near pilings, boat slips, and any underwater structures you can find.

  5. Tackle: Light to medium-light tackle is usually sufficient for perch. A spinning rod with a sensitive tip will help you feel the bites better.

From the video context, it seems like the anglers are dealing with various conditions and targeting different species, but the principles of finding and catching fish remain consistent. Pay attention to the water conditions, bait availability, and fish behavior, as these can provide clues on where to find perch.

If you have more specific details about the conditions in Sannegårds Hamnen or any particular challenges you're facing, feel free to share, and I can provide more tailored advice. Happy fishing, and tight lines!

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    What is the percentage for me to catch one?