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Hello, what kind of fish are you?

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Netting TRAPPED Sewer Fish For My AQUARIUM! by Bass fishing Productions my oh look at the red oh that is so cool you guys I don't know what is going on tonight but we are catching so many cool fish that I don't know the names of go down there and comment three names of those fish that I don't know the names I think there was another one there's a bunch of little fish left in here oh look at that there's betta fish everywhere oh there's one in this corner see him come on buddy let's go let's go there we go another Molly instead of like a Blackfin he has more of like a an orange fin though that's really cool that's one of the prettier ones that I've caught look at that Molly that is so cool there he goes this thing is filling up quick guys we got a lot of good stuff in there let's keep going what the heck is that look Helen do you see that fish it looks like a panther grouper I don't know what the heck that is all right let me try to catch it oh there he is right in the corner please get in the net get in the net so close I got him I got him look at this thing what the heck is that what is going on you guys look at this fish oh that is so cool you guys he was just lurking around
TRAPPING AQUARIUM FISH For My FISH TANK! by Bass fishing Productions bland ones at i don't know you guys gotta let me know you gotta go let me know if they're the same species different species what's going on you guys are the fish experts i know freaking nothing about petras i'm trying to get a good shot there there's one in the back there's one right there look at that they hold on they look different look right there right there right there oh he does have color oh you guys saw that when he came up to the to the front there was like blue and pink or something there's some blue on them for sure okay what else do we got that weird green thing i need help identifying that as well that is beautiful you guys have to let me know what kind of fish that is we're keeping him for sure he's going in the koi pond look at that oh my gosh that is so sick we got a lot of shrimp too look at all these shrimp dude that's the cool thing about the tanks is like you know you catch so many fish in a fish trap usually and you can never really get a good look at all of them unless you put them in a fish tank look at this you can really see what you caught look at all these crawfish too we cut so many little crawfish okay what we're gonna do guys um i could just look at
TRAPPING AQUARIUM FISH For My FISH TANK! by Bass fishing Productions that one's different i think i don't know if the red ones are like females or males or maybe oh there's another one look look i don't know if those are the same species or what's going on but they look sick look at this we caught some shrimp guys lots of crawfish it looks like oh one of those one of those striped fish dude there's too much to focus on i can't focus right now this is insane i'm so happy this is so cool look at the placos this is what i love about the tank dude it looks so much cooler you can really see the fish in action what is that what is that that looks like a war mouth these striped fish right there are spotted tilapia i'm trying to look closely oh oh my gosh look at this where'd it go where did it go hold on there's some right there in the back look look look oh it's yellow it's yellow okay you guys have the work cut out for you today that is a war mouth that is a freaking war mouth what that is sick oh there's a catfish what's up buddy little little recap on what we need identifying i i know these are tetras but i need help identifying what kind they are i don't also the bland ones wait i think we caught dude we caught a lot hold on where's the
I Caught a Shark in My Pond! by Bass fishing Productions the heck is that some sort of cichlid I have no idea a little Oscar Pond X as we know is just jam-packed full of oscars anyone else oh my God Helen look at this oh this is so cool this has got to be a breeding pair of albino plos we catch these all the time and over the years I put a few in here and these are definitely full grown adults and they're definitely breeding in here look how crazy that is oh my gosh two of them oh that's so cool oh look at this we got two more fish look at the size of that sun catfish he is beautiful no way he also has one eye what is going on in pondex all right there he goes and then this guy another random stick lid and I think that is it for the first fish trap you guys look at our hole though we caught a lot of fish in there now it's time to see if we caught the monster that's been killing and destroying all the fish here in pondex I'm trying to decide should we pick up that chap first or should we pick oh my holy crap okay we're picking up this one first look there's a massive fish in there what is that is that the gami wait we just saw the grami though look how big it is it
I Bought The Deadliest Fish in The World by Bass fishing Productions get him in the tank and there you go little guy look at him go oh that is awesome you guys a little fresh water puffer fish to start it off let's see what else we got in there what is that oh I remember oh look at that that's some sort of catfish I don't know the name of it I forgot honestly but I don't think I've ever seen this before so I definitely had to get it if you guys know what this is comment down below but we're going to get them out of the bag so you guys can get a better look at them but that is a really cool fish look look at the patterns on them look at that you guys wow that is a really cool fish we're going to get him in the tank 3 2 1 wow that is super cool there he goes oh he's meeting the puffer fish sweet two down I think we got three more to go for this box I think this was the first website if I'm correct the second one I think is definitely the best so I'm excited for that what are these guys I forgot I got these oh my gosh another fish I've never seen before can you see that try to get a good look at these I don't know if you guys know what they are I I didn't even know they existed
TRAPPING AQUARIUM FISH For My FISH TANK! by Bass fishing Productions thing i have ever seen and you guys if you look closely you're gonna see some really cool fish i'm gonna try and point them out that right there i don't know what kind of tetra that is but i know for a fact that that is a tetra and that is what i've been seeing here that red fish look at that dude there's multiple in here oh my gosh i am freaking out just look how beautiful that red is also this is this is what i was telling you guys about all those fish are mostly mosquito fish i think that is mostly what we caught there's some other fish mixed in look at this there's a what is that oh i thought that was one of those stingrays that's a little placo down there we got so many fish hold on let me just go rapid look at this we got oh my god there's a catfish look at that look at that back there right next to that crawfish we caught crawfish and we caught a catfish right there not sure what kind of catfish that is i don't know if that's like a uh aquarium catfish or what it looks like a bullhead baby bullhead um what oh my god look at that tetra look at that guys hold on hold on come closer come closer yes yes yes look at that that one doesn't have any colors on it

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    Hello, what kind of fish are you?