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What does stained water mean?

Stained water in fishing terms refers to water that has a moderate level of visibility, typically characterized by a slight discoloration or cloudiness. This is a middle ground between clear water, where you can see several feet down, and muddy water, where visibility is extremely limited.

From the video context provided, stained water often has visibility ranging from two to four feet. This type of water can be caused by various factors such as algae blooms, boat traffic stirring up sediment, or runoff from rain. In stained water, bass feel comfortable because they can hide effectively while still being able to see well enough to hunt for food.

Key points about stained water in bass fishing:

  1. Visibility: Stained water usually allows for visibility of about two to four feet. This is enough for bass to see their prey but also provides them with cover.
  2. Comfort for Bass: Bass tend to feel more secure in stained water compared to clear water because it offers them better concealment from predators and anglers.
  3. Fishing Strategy: In stained water, you can use a variety of lures and techniques. Both shallow and deep-water fishing can be effective, allowing you to fish according to your strengths. For instance, you might use spinnerbaits, squarebills, or flipping and pitching techniques in shallow cover, or target offshore structures and brush piles.
  4. Lure Selection: When fishing in stained water, it's important to choose the right lure transparency. Opaque lures can be more effective than translucent ones because they are easier for bass to see in the reduced visibility.

In summary, stained water provides a balanced environment where bass can thrive and anglers can employ a range of techniques to catch them. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!

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    What does stained water mean?