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Where and how to fish Sam Rayburn in October?

Based on the video context provided, fishing Sam Rayburn in October can be productive if you focus on certain locations and techniques. In October, the bass in Sam Rayburn are likely to be feeding on bluegill and crappie, so targeting areas with brush piles and baitfish can be effective.

One technique mentioned in the video is using a crankbait. Crankbaits are great for covering a lot of water and hitting the bottom. Look for brush piles and other types of cover where bass may be hiding and use a crankbait to imitate the baitfish they are feeding on.

Another technique mentioned is fishing a swim jig over brush piles. This can be a great alternative to using crankbaits if you don't have the perfect running depth crankbait for the brush piles in Sam Rayburn. The swim jig, like the Megabass Rose Swimmer Swim Jig, can be effective in enticing bass to bite.

Additionally, fishing in off-colored water can be productive in October. Look for areas with dirtier water, such as the extremities of major creek arms or river arms. Bass tend to congregate in these areas, so targeting docks, shallow grass, laydowns, or rock transitions can yield good results.

Remember to adjust your gear and bait choices based on the depth of the brush piles or cover you are fishing. If the brush piles top out in 20 feet of water, use a deeper diving crankbait like the 10XD. If the brush piles are in shallower water, opt for a shallower diving crankbait like the 6XD.

Overall, focus on areas with brush piles, baitfish, and off-colored water in Sam Rayburn during October. Experiment with different techniques such as crankbaits and swim jigs to see what works best for you. Good luck and happy fishing!

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