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Can a fish distinguish the color purple?

Based on the video context provided, it is difficult to determine whether fish have the ability to distinguish the color purple specifically. However, fish do have the ability to see colors to some extent. Different colors can appear differently underwater due to the way light is absorbed and reflected in the water.

In the video "Swimbait Colors for Any Situation" by BassGeek, the angler mentions using a purple-colored bait in certain situations. This suggests that fish may be able to see and respond to the color purple. However, it's important to note that fish vision can vary between species and environmental conditions.

Fish have specialized cells in their eyes called cones, which allow them to perceive colors. While they may not see colors as vividly as humans, they can still distinguish between different shades and hues. Certain colors, such as red and orange, are often used in fishing lures because they can be more visible and attractive to fish.

In the absence of clear video context specifically addressing the color purple, it would be helpful to consult additional resources or studies on fish vision to gain a more comprehensive understanding.

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