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How to catch fish with a feeder?

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How To Catch Catfish The SIMPLE and EASY Way! by Richard Gene The Fishing Machine 40 pound test red cajun now i'm using nine out circle hooks uh this is um eagle claw seaguar circle hook with my leader is arranging about 32 inches both of them big swivel a bead and a no roll two ounce sinker is what's holding it now i'm in 29 feet of water right now 29 feet i started off in about 15 to 20 feet of water so i'm gradually going deeper now i'm using big baits uh we'll cut one and i'll show you how big of baits we're using big baits i'm talking about big baits man big darn baits this one's still frozen but it'll thaw out right here in just a little bit this is a skip jack heron we'll just take him and hook him just like that remove that scale and that's it now it'll it'll thaw out right here in just a little bit i leave as much hook exposure as i can folks but that's what we're using now rock throwing distance from here it's about eight feet of water towards the bluff right here so i'm right on the brake line right right where it slopes down and flattens out i'm fishing right there in that crease let's make another cast out there i'm going to sit here no more than 20 minutes folks and if i don't get bit again i'll just move i'll move up the bluff a little bit
Easy Way To Catch Catfish For Dinner by Richard Gene The Fishing Machine a small one that way I can catch anything that bites whether it be a channel cap which has a smaller mouth blue cat flat head anything that bites I should be able to get a hook into that fish this is a two-wall eagle claw seaguar circle hook and if you notice the line is coming through the front side of the eyelet uh that's the way I love the towel that is a knotless knot that I used right there and we'll tie up one of these leaders right here before the day's over and show you what I'm doing I have a Palomar knot here and one here to the braid very strong knots all three of these are strong knots now the thing that we're going to be doing today we're going to be bottom bounce I'm going to pick this weight up off the bottom a foot or so and then let it hit on that hard Rocky bottom we're going to be fishing a rocky bottom make a sound and it's going to get all these catfish excuse me two piece of Shad that I'll have on here and I'm not going to use big baits it's necessary not very necessary right now but we're just going to do typical catfishing now is it possible to catch a big one you dog don't ride um I've caught a lot of big Blues by fishing for eating sized catfish
How to Catch a Fish With a Live Worm for Bait - 3 Ways (Beginner Fishing Tips) by Fishing with Nat or we might sit here for a half an hour waiting it all depends on how hot the bite is that day all right something's got this one they took it and swam toward the boat which made my line drop down there we go so as soon as I saw that line start to go forward again I set the hook it's a big bluegill so there you have it three ways to catch a fish on a worm that's a nice one if you have any thoughts or questions go ahead and drop those in the comments below thanks a lot for watching we'll catch you next time
What To Use To Catch Bass | How To | Bass Fishing by Bass Fishing Tips & Techniques by BassResource And more times than not, you can find a fish that will bite a Crane Bait. Glenn: There's no specialty rigging or special way to retrieve it, it's just pretty simple. Ott: That's right. Throw it out and bring it back. Yeah. Glenn: I like that. That's great. Gerald Swindle: I think one of the things you can always use to catch fish is a plastic worm. You can take a rubber worm, whether it's a Zoom Trick Worm or Zoom Finesse Worm, and rig it on a 12-pound line, a light sinker, and cast it to cover, with like a four aught small shank hook and, dude, you're gonna get bites. You know, you can't hardly go wrong if you're just learning to fish, tie on a plastic worm, Texas rig, and just ease around and cast at wood, cast at cover, you're gonna get bites. Glenn: This is a universal rig for everything? Gerald: It's a universal, just a plain old plastic Texas rig worm will get you bites. Glenn: Don't over think it. Gerald: Do not overthink it. Just cast, let it go to the bottom. Kind of use your imagination, picture yourself as the worm, letting it fall down in the cover, fish it, and the slower you fish it the better. Kevin VanDam: Well, you know, there's so many different lures that you can use to catch bass. But one thing I can tell people, especially beginning fishermen, is bass in general are very cover or target oriented.
How To Fish Dropshot Grubs | Bass Fishing by Bass Fishing Tips & Techniques by BassResource When you do that, now you want to watch, watch it as it falls. Because sometimes the fish will hit it as the bait is falling. So watch for where the line enters the water, make sure that if it jumps, pops, twitches, jiggles, does anything like that then it's likely a fish has bitten it so reel up the slack you know bring that rod tip down. And then all you have to do is, the hook set, you have an open hook, a light wire hook just pull back on it and it's set. That's it, you don't have to pop it really hard just sometime you just reel, just reel a little bit hard and the fish, the hook is set. That doesn't take much to get that light wire to penetrate the fishes' mouth. If you set it really hard like you're used to doing you might end up breaking the line or straightening out the hook so light and easy. So what we're going to do, you cast it out there, let it fall. Now here I am watching the line, watching the line, see if it does any jumps or anything. I flip the bail and I've got the rod tip down so I'm ready to set the hook just in case there is a bite. It's still falling and okay it's on the bottom. How do I know it hit the bottom? The line just went slack on me.
How To Fish A Split Shot Grub | Bass Fishing by Bass Fishing Tips & Techniques by BassResource You can just pick right up right where you left off and keep catching fish. Okay, so that's what everybody used to fish it this way when it first came out, and it's still productive today. Another way to do this...again, I've thrown it out there, I'm watching the line, it hits the bottom. Now all's you're gonna do is lift the weight up and let it drop. Lift it and let it drop. And when you do that, lift it up slowly, you don't pop it up. Lift it up slowly, and then follow the weight back down with the rod tip. You want the rod to fall about the same rate as the weight. And reel up slack as you do that. So you don't want to move the weight with your reel. Just let the weight drop naturally. Now, the reason you want to do that is a lot of times the bites happen on the fall. If you're maintaining contact like that, and this is what people call letting something fall on a semi-slack line by the way. If you maintain contact with it, you're more apt to detect the bite. So it's worth learning how to do. Let me show you how to do that. So I'm just gonna lift the bait off the bottom, and then let it fall back down. And I'm just matching the weight, the speed of the drop, with the rod tip. Now it's on the bottom. Now lift it right back up, and let it fall right back down. Nice, slow, methodical way.

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