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How can I prevent short strikes when fishing swimbaits?

Short striking can be frustrating when fishing with swimbaits, but there are a few tips you can try to prevent it. First, pay attention to where the last hit of the bait was. Fish will often follow the swimbait for a distance before turning off. Sometimes, they may even follow it all the way up and under the boat before striking.

To prevent short strikes, you can use a follow-up bait. This is a secondary bait that you can use to entice the fish to commit. It's important to match the size of the follow-up bait to the size of your swimbait. For example, if you're using a five or six-inch swimbait, you can try using a five-inch soft jerkbait as a follow-up bait.

In terms of technique, a steady retrieve is usually effective when fishing with swimbaits. Keep your rod tip down and to the side to feel the strikes better. Avoid having your rod tip too high, as it can make it difficult to set the hook when a fish bites.

Additionally, you can try varying the depth of your retrieve by raising and lowering your rod tip. This can create a more erratic action and entice the fish to strike.

Remember, these tips are based on the video context provided. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification, please let me know.

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