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How to fish Sensation Swim Baits?

Fishing with finesse swimbaits can be a highly effective technique for catching bass, especially when the fish are pressured or in a finicky mood. Here are some techniques based on the video context provided:

  1. Dragging on the Bottom: This is a simple and effective method where you cast the swimbait out, let it hit the bottom, and then slowly drag it along. The swimbait mimics a baitfish creeping along the bottom, with the tail kicking and the bait deflecting off the structure. This technique is particularly useful in clear water or when fishing in highland reservoirs.

  2. Pop and Reel: After casting your swimbait and letting it hit the bottom, give it a slight pop and start reeling. This causes the swimbait to swim just above the bottom, maintaining a close proximity to deflect off rocks and other structures. It's a more active retrieve that can trigger strikes from bass that are looking for a slightly more aggressive presentation.

  3. Suspended Fishing: When bass are suspended in the water column, you can adjust your retrieve to target these fish. Use a countdown method to let the swimbait sink to the desired depth, then retrieve it at a steady pace to keep it in the strike zone. Depending on the clarity of the water and the fishing pressure, you may opt for a longer fluorocarbon leader to minimize visibility of the line to the fish.

  4. Side Set Hooking: When you feel a fish load up on the swimbait, instead of setting the hook with a hard upward jerk, use a side set technique. Keep reeling and lower your rod tip, possibly even putting it in the water, to prevent the fish from jumping and throwing the hook. This is crucial with swimbaits because the fish can easily shake free if given the chance.

  5. Versatility in Water Columns: Finesse swimbaits can be fished at various depths, from the surface to the bottom. They can be effective for catching both numbers and size. Adjust your retrieve speed and weight of the swimbait to target different depths, whether you're after shallow smallmouth or deep-dwelling largemouth.

Remember, the key to finesse swimbait fishing is to mimic natural prey as closely as possible. Pay attention to the rate of retrieve, the action of the bait, and how the bass are responding on a given day. It may take some experimentation with different techniques and retrieves to find what works best.

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