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How to throw large swimbaits?

To effectively throw large swimbaits, you'll need the right equipment and techniques. Based on the video context, it seems that using big swimbaits is a strategy to target bigger fish rather than catching a lot of smaller ones. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Equipment: When throwing large swimbaits, you'll need heavy-duty gear. A stiff rod, around seven to eight feet long, is recommended. Look for a rod specifically designed for swimbait fishing, like the Mega Bass Warhammer or the Mega Bass Leviathan. Pair it with a wide spool reel with a low gear ratio, such as 5.3:1, to allow for a slow retrieve. Use 25-pound test fluorocarbon line, like Seaguar InvisX, to handle the heavy bait and potential big fish.

  2. Bait Selection: There are various types of swimbaits available, including hard baits with treble hooks and soft baits with exposed heads. For fishing in deep water, like 25 feet, it's recommended to use swimbaits with exposed heads. This allows you to feel the bottom and rocks better. The video mentions using an ounce VMC head with a Berkley Slim Shad, but there are other options available on the market.

  3. Technique: When fishing with big swimbaits, it's important to fish them slowly. A slow retrieve with the tail kicking back and forth is ideal. If you fish them too fast, they may roll up on their side, reducing their effectiveness. The video also mentions fishing swimbaits in different scenarios, such as targeting bass in deeper water or skipping them around overhanging trees or docks. Experiment with different techniques to see what works best for your fishing conditions.

  4. Commitment: Fishing with big swimbaits requires dedication and focus. As mentioned in one of the videos, it can be beneficial to dedicate your entire fishing day to throwing big swimbaits. This allows you to fully commit to the technique and increase your chances of catching bigger fish. Leave other baits and rods behind to avoid distractions.

Remember, the information provided is based on the video context. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification, feel free to provide more details.

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