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What's the best deal for senkos?

Based on the video context, it seems that the best deal currently available for senkos is a pack of big bite baits senkos. These senkos are priced at 40 cents per bait, which is 50 cents cheaper than the popular Gary Yamamoto senkos that are priced at 90 cents per bait. The video suggests that the big bite baits senkos are a more affordable alternative that may offer similar quality and effectiveness.

However, it's important to note that the video also mentions the durability and fish-catching ability of the senkos as criteria for determining their quality. To truly assess the best deal, it would be helpful to watch the video and see the results of the fishing challenge where the Gary Yamamoto senko and the big bite baits senko were tested for durability and fish-catching ability. The video should provide insights into which senko performed better in these aspects.

Additionally, it's worth mentioning that there may be other deals or promotions available for senkos at different retailers or online stores. It's always a good idea to check different sources and compare prices before making a purchase.

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    What's the best deal for senkos?