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Explain how to identify what bass are feeding on. It is August at Lake Arthur Pennsylvania. Is this information available as common information that it is predictable certain times a year at a specific lake? Is there a way to identify from shore what they're feeding on?

Identifying what bass are feeding on in August at Lake Arthur, Pennsylvania, can be a bit of a challenge, but it's definitely doable with some observation and knowledge of the lake's ecosystem. Here are some tips to help you out:

Seasonal Patterns and Forage

In August, bass are often feeding heavily as they prepare for the cooler months ahead. Based on the video context, we know that bass tend to follow baitfish like shad, which move shallower as the water starts to cool slightly and daylight hours shorten. Here's a step-by-step approach to identifying what bass are feeding on:

  1. Observe the Water: Look for signs of baitfish activity. This could be schools of shad or other small fish near the surface, especially in the early morning or late evening. You might also see bass chasing these baitfish, causing surface disturbances.

  2. Check Local Reports: Fishing reports from local bait shops or online forums can provide valuable insights into current feeding patterns. Anglers often share what types of bait are working for them, which can give you clues about what the bass are feeding on.

  3. Match the Hatch: This term means using lures that imitate the local forage. If shad are prevalent, using shad-imitating lures like crankbaits, swimbaits, or spinnerbaits can be effective. If you notice a lot of crayfish, then jigs or soft plastic craws might be the ticket.

  4. Look for Cover: Bass in August often hang around structures like brush piles, docks, and vegetation. These areas provide cover for both bass and their prey. Fishing these structures with appropriate lures can help you determine what the bass are feeding on.

Shore Fishing Techniques

If you're fishing from the shore, here are some methods to identify bass feeding habits:

  1. Visual Cues: Look for jumping baitfish or birds diving into the water, which can indicate a feeding frenzy. Bass often push baitfish towards the shore, making them easier to spot.

  2. Use a Variety of Lures: Start with a few different types of lures to see what gets the most bites. For example, try a topwater lure, a crankbait, and a soft plastic. This can help you determine what the bass are currently interested in.

  3. Talk to Other Anglers: If you see other anglers around, don't hesitate to ask them what they're using and what they've had success with. Most anglers are happy to share tips and can provide real-time information.

Predictability and Common Knowledge

Yes, bass feeding habits can be somewhat predictable based on the time of year and specific lakes. For example, in many lakes, shad move shallower in the fall, which is a predictable pattern. However, local conditions such as water temperature, clarity, and available cover can influence these patterns.


In summary, identifying what bass are feeding on in August at Lake Arthur involves a combination of observation, local knowledge, and experimentation with different lures. By paying attention to the behavior of baitfish and using lures that mimic local forage, you can increase your chances of success. If you need more specific information about Lake Arthur or have any other questions, feel free to ask!

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