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When is a good time to use an underspin?

Underspin lures are particularly effective in certain conditions and situations when targeting bass. Here are some ideal scenarios for using an underspin:

  1. Clear Water Visibility: Underspins work best in clear water conditions where visibility is at least three to four feet. This allows the flash and vibration of the blade to attract bass from a distance.

  2. Suspended Fish: These lures are designed to target suspended bass, not those hugging the bottom. You'll want to fish them at different depths depending on where the bass are holding in the water column.

  3. Mixed Species Lakes: Lakes that contain a mix of largemouth, spotted, and smallmouth bass are particularly conducive to using underspins. These fish are more likely to suspend, making them ideal targets for this type of lure.

  4. Fishing Ditches and Coves: In the fall and winter, bass often move to ditches or channels within coves. These areas can be hot spots for underspin fishing.

  5. Around Hard Structure: Fishing underspins around bridge pilings, deep docks, marina docks, wave breaks, and other man-made structures can be very effective, especially in the summer and fall.

  6. Schooling Fish: When bass are schooling, especially in the summer and fall, an underspin can be cast long distances to reach the action and mimic the baitfish they're feeding on.

  7. Deep Flats and Rock Piles: A slow retrieve with occasional twitches along deep flats and rock piles can entice bites from less active bass.

  8. Weed Lines and Cover: Underspins can also be pitched accurately into weed lines or thicker cover like brush and docks, thanks to their heavy and aerodynamic design.

Remember, the key to fishing an underspin effectively is to maintain a steady retrieve that keeps the lure in the strike zone of suspended bass, while allowing the blade to spin and attract attention. Adjust your technique based on the behavior of the fish and the conditions of the day.

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Underspin Fishing Lure Tips, How They Work Underwater, How to Fish Underspins by Fishing with Nat swarming a ball of bait fish I like to use a medium light to medium action spinning setup and 6 to 10 pound line braid mono or fluoro are all fine braid is really nice for heavy underspins because of the long casts and no stretch for a solid hook set these baits are also great with a slow retrieve along deep flats and rock piles for lazier bass and walleye just retrieve it steadily and maybe give it a twitch now and then the trailer and the blade do most of the work for you when fishing Deep Rock piles consider using fluorocarbon line or at least a fluorocarbon leader to get down there faster and resist abrasion a bit better don't overlook the power of an underspin along weed lines or in thicker cover like brush and docks these lures are heavy and aerodynamic so it's easy to pitch them accurately right up in there the worst thing about an underspin is how easily it can stop working without you having any clue let's get into the details of how underspins work so you can make sure you know how to fish these cool baits most of an underspins profile in action come from the jig head in the trailer underspin jigs tend to have Willow Leaf spinner blades because there isn't usually a lot of clearance beneath the trailer the blade spins on a small swivel and is usually held away from The
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    When is a good time to use an underspin?