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What should a new angler rig to catch bass in autumn at Lake Arthur in western Pennsylvania? Fishing early morning in low light conditions, or overcast and raining?

Absolutely, I'd be happy to help you out with that! Based on the video context from Randy Blaukat and my own experience, here's a detailed answer tailored to your situation at Lake Arthur in western Pennsylvania:

Rigging for Bass in Autumn at Lake Arthur

**1. Weather Conditions:

  • Low Light Conditions: Early morning or overcast days.
  • Rainy Weather: Light to moderate rain with some wind.

**2. Water Temperature and Clarity:

  • Ideal Water Temperature: Between 55°F to 70°F.
  • Water Clarity: If the water visibility is over 3 feet, it’s perfect for the techniques discussed.

Recommended Techniques and Lures:

**1. Spinner Baits:

  • Why: Spinner baits are highly effective in low light and rainy conditions because they create a lot of flash and vibration, which attracts bass.
  • How to Rig:
    • Small Profile Spinner Bait: Use a small profile spinner bait like the Megabass SP3 with a number 3 Willow Leaf blade.
    • Burning Technique: Cast parallel to the banks or around rocky points and retrieve quickly, keeping the bait just under the surface (3-6 inches).
    • Upsize for Cooler Temps: When the water temperature drops below 60°F, switch to a larger spinner bait with a big number 7 Colorado or Willow Leaf blade. Fish it the same way, keeping it shallow.

**2. Topwater Lures:

  • Why: Topwater lures can be very effective, especially in clearer water with visibility between 3 to 6 feet.
  • How to Rig:
    • Walking Topwaters, Prop Baits, and Buzzbaits: These lures work well in low light conditions. Buzzbaits are particularly effective in water with 2 to 3 feet visibility.
    • Retrieve: Cover water by casting and retrieving steadily. Focus on shallow areas with cover like grass, rocks, or wood.

**3. Chatterbaits and Crankbaits:

  • Why: These moving baits are great for covering water and triggering bites from active bass.
  • How to Rig:
    • Chatterbaits: Use a shad pattern and retrieve it steadily through shallow water.
    • Crankbaits: Choose a crankbait that runs shallow and matches the local forage. Retrieve it with a steady or erratic motion to provoke strikes.

Additional Tips:

**1. Cover Water:

  • Why: Bass are often spread out in the fall, so covering a lot of water increases your chances of finding active fish.
  • How: Use moving baits like spinnerbaits, chatterbaits, and crankbaits to quickly fish different areas.

**2. Focus on Shallow Areas:

  • Why: Bass tend to move shallow to feed during low light and rainy conditions.
  • How: Target shallow cover like grass beds, rocky points, and submerged wood.

**3. Adjust Based on Conditions:

  • Why: The intensity of the rain and wind can affect bass behavior.
  • How: On moderate rainy days with a light breeze, stick with the spinnerbait and topwater techniques. If the rain is heavier, slow down your retrieve or switch to a larger profile bait.

By following these tips and techniques, you should have a great chance of catching bass at Lake Arthur during the autumn months, especially under low light or rainy conditions. Good luck, and tight lines! If you have any more specific questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!

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3 Techniques That Catch Big Bass On Rainy Fall Days… by Intuitive Angling With Randy Blaukat you have to take advantage of those active feeding windows with moving baits that's why uh your top water lers your spinner baits chatter baits crank baits any type of swim jigs any typee of a moving lure that moves shallow horizontally through the water column is going to be you know some of your best lure choices my favorite bait by far when it's raining in the fall time of the year is a spinner bait and the spinner bait setup it depends on you know the lake you're fishing and actually the water temperatures how late in the fall it is the intensity of the rain but I'll I'll I'll share with you guys two of my favorite scenarios with it my number one favorite SC scario to catch them on is burnning a spinner bait in the fall time of the year so I'll take like a like a small profile like that Mega bass s sp3 spinner bait or something little small profile spinner bait with like a number three Willow Leaf blade on it or something and on those rainy days I'll just cover water with that thing and burn that thing just like maybe you know 3 to 6 inches under the surface you know usually I parallel the banks I'm paralleling steep Banks paralleling Bluffs some sometimes I'll Fan cast it around Rocky points if you have a little bit of a breeze that's even better but man guys if you if you
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3 Techniques That Catch Big Bass On Rainy Fall Days… by Intuitive Angling With Randy Blaukat starts falling below 60 and when it's like 55 to 60 and it's raining that's the one I like to keep throwing the spinner bait but I upssize my spinner bait I go to a big spinner bait and I put like a big number seven Colorado or number seven Willow Leaf blade on it and I fish it the same way I fish it shallow trying to keep it just under the surface uh you know usually into that I don't know that uh three to three 3 in to 8 in under the surface and just fish in whatever shallow cover is available shallow grass if you've got grass rocks wood whatever like that but those rainy days man when you got low light level conditions and a little bit of wind out out there it triggers those quality fish to bite shallow and a lot of those fish they're up there feeding at night the bigger fish are and if you have a rainy cloudy days with a little bit of wind on it it keeps those same night feeding fish up Shallow and active all day long and um it's it's probably one of my favorite times of the year to fish it's just it's just can be really really good and another thing guys I'll tell you about the big spinner bait when it's raining is they will bite it even if that water temperature gets a little bit

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