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Best way to night fish for bass?

When it comes to night fishing for bass, there are a few different methods that can be effective. One popular approach is finesse fishing, which involves using smaller, more subtle baits. This can be a bit challenging at first, especially in the dark when your depth perception may be off. However, as you spend more time on the water, you'll become more comfortable and improve your senses. It's important to remember that bass are still active at night and will use the cooler water and lower light conditions to their advantage. So, don't be surprised if you end up hitting boat docks or getting your baits caught in tree branches. It's all part of the experience.

Moving on to the reaction category, throwing reaction baits in the dark can be a lot of fun. Topwater baits, such as straight running wake baits, are a great option for night fishing. The key is to choose baits that track straight, as the fish will be looking up. Spinnerbaits, chatterbaits, and swim jigs are also effective in the summertime. It's common to have one or two of these baits tied on at all times when night fishing.

In terms of bait selection, the color choice is important. Bright colors work well during the day, but at night, it's best to go with dark colors like black or black/blue. These colors provide better contrast and visibility in low light or murky conditions. Worms and jigs are often the go-to baits for night fishing. It's important to be prepared with both options, as the fish may be keying in on one or the other. It's rare to have a mixed bag of catches, so you'll need to experiment and see which bait the fish are responding to.

When it comes to night fishing, accuracy can be a challenge. That's why using weedless lures like spinnerbaits is a good choice. Spinnerbaits with a black color and a single Colorado blade are particularly effective. The black color provides a better silhouette, while the Colorado blade produces strong vibrations that help the bass locate the lure. Additionally, spinnerbaits are less likely to get snagged on underwater obstacles like ropes, chains, logs, or stumps.

Overall, the best method for night fishing for bass is to be versatile and adaptable. Be prepared to switch between finesse fishing and reaction baits, and don't be afraid to experiment with different colors and techniques. Remember, night fishing can be challenging at first, but with practice and experience, you'll become more comfortable and successful.

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Night Fishing Tricks For Summer Bass! by TacticalBassin spit it but one of those two and that's typically it as far as finesse fishing now moving on to the reaction category that's where the fun is that throwing your favorite bait throwing whatever bait for that matter in the dark is challenging at first there's gonna be nights where you send that jig 10 15 20 feet up on the bank because your depth perception is off um but you'll learn that you'll the more times you get out in the water the more comfortable you'll get the better you'll get with your senses and what's going on but just know that those fish are up there and they want to eat they're using that cooler water that lower light to get up there sneak around ambush their prey and eat so just know that you probably will hit some boat docks you might send some some baits up into tree branches and stuff it's just part of it um but throwing reaction baits in the dark is so much fun now i'm gonna start with top water it's a fairly fairly um i'm gonna say small category as far as top water because i like to limit it to uh straight running wake baits and what i what i want out of my nighttime topwater baits that's a pb rat right there what i want out of my nighttime topwater baits is something that just tracks straight as these fish are looking up
The Best Bait For Night Fishing | Bass Fishing by Bass Fishing Tips & Techniques by BassResource at night, and you could get hung up on him if you say you're fishing a crankbait, but a spinnerbait can go over those things and not get hung up. So that's the reason why I pick a black spinnerbait with a Colorado blade.
Summer Night Fishing Tricks For Bass by TacticalBassin bright out dark colors if it's murky or dark out that's when I'll go with the black blues I'll link some of my favorite finesse baits or worms down below as well okay so now that we got finesse out of the way let's talk talk reaction because that is my favorite way to night fish now with that said it takes a little bit of practice you know especially if you're fishing a new moon and it's dark out and there's no light at all your depth perception can be off it takes a little bit of time to get used to the distance of your cast right and it's gonna happen you're gonna launch some launch some baits back in the toolies or back over docks it just happens with night fishing but that's why we don't use a lot of light so we don't want that light on and off messing with our our night vision but depth perception takes a little bit to get used to but throwing reaction baits is awesome in the summertime I'm gonna kind of group the spinner bait chatter bait and swim jig all into like one category typically I'll have one if not two of these tied on at all times night fishing so let's talk spinner bait because if you read the book on bass fishing they're gonna tell you throw a big black spinner bait with a big old Colorado blade on it and it works you
Night Fishing For Bass: Everything You Need To Know by TacticalBassin number one bait it worked when I was a little kid it'll work tonight it's so consistent but here's the thing about that night bait they are either on a worm bite or a jig bite a Texas rig bait or a jig bite they almost never cross over almost never so you need to be prepared with both in the time that I go night fishing I have both tied on and I'm gonna fish one I'm gonna fish the other fish one fish the other until I find the one that the fish are keying on and it's almost never is it going to be like a mixed bag you're not gonna catch ten on a jig and ten on a worm you're gonna catch like one on a jig and 15 on a worm or 20 on a jig and zero on a worm or two on a worm it's going to be drastic so you're fishing them the same way down on bottom fish them slow shake them drag them shake them you want to create a little commotion down there now color-wise will mix it up a little bit the worm I do throw black that's just my standard it makes sense in my head the fish eat it works great but the jig sometimes I throw black blue the darker the night so the closer you get to the new moon true darkness I'll lean towards that darker black or black blue jig
The Best Bait For Night Fishing | Bass Fishing by Bass Fishing Tips & Techniques by BassResource Here's a question that was sent to me on Facebook. "Hey, Glenn. I do a lot of night fishing. And I want to know what would be your number one lure that you would use for night fishing?" Yeah. That one's an easy one. For me, it would be a spinnerbait, a black spinnerbait with a single Colorado blade specifically. The reason for that is a couple things. First of all, the bait itself being black, it presents a better silhouette. All colors kind of turn into just a neutral gray color at night, so it doesn't matter what color, what you want is contrast. So black lure presents the most amount of contrast and makes it easier for the bass to see it. The Colorado blade puts out the most amount of vibration so it helps the bass locate the lure through the vibrations that it produces. And then finally, a spinnerbait is a fairly weedless lure. And let's face it, when we're out fishing at night, our accuracy isn't all that good. You land on boat docks, you might land on someone's boat or what have you, and it's less susceptible to get to snagging on those things, first of all, and also under the water, there's things that you may not see. For example, there's ropes that are attached to docks or chains that anchor a boat...the boat dock in place. Or there's logs or snags or stumps or other things under the water that you may not see
Night Fishing For Bass: Everything You Need To Know by TacticalBassin top go into the bottom fishing slow you got your big worm your big creature bait and your jig so what's the deal when do you throw which how do we do it here's what I'm gonna say about that there's basically two rigs and this is just your standard going out night fishing I don't care if you're on a boat care if you're on the bank you want to slow down fish bottom it's it's definitely the number one way to night fish it's gonna be either that jig or that worm here's what I want you to know about this style of fishing you need to be prepared to do both the thing about the night bite is that the fish go back and forth okay so you go out on a Monday night and they are plowing a Texas rig worm and the way that we rigged this worm Texas rig big hook I use a brass weight glass bead it's got a ton of racket when they bang together so what I do is I put a bobber stop on my line first I move it up about an inch or two above the worm then I put my brass weight then my glass bead and then I tied my hook on Texas rig ten inch worm if I could only have one worm for night fishing there's no question ten inch black powder worm that's my

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