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What's better using a senko worm or keitech swimbait for bass?

Both the Senko worm and the Keitech swimbait can be highly effective for bass fishing, but their effectiveness can depend on a variety of factors such as the conditions, time of year, and the specific behavior of the bass on a given day.

The Senko worm is a versatile bait that can be rigged in a variety of ways, including weightless, wacky style, or Texas rigged. It's a great bait for when the bass are in a more lethargic state, or in cooler water temperatures when bass are less aggressive. It can be fished slowly and methodically, making it a great choice for fishing around structure or cover where bass might be hiding.

On the other hand, the Keitech swimbait is a more active bait that can cover a lot of water quickly. It's particularly effective in warmer water temperatures when bass are actively feeding. The swimbait's realistic swimming action and vibration can trigger aggressive strikes from bass.

In the end, both baits have their place in a bass angler's arsenal and can be effective in the right conditions. It's all about understanding the behavior of the bass and adapting your tactics accordingly.

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Best Hooks For Bass Fishing: Senko, Worms, Crankbaits, Topwater, Swimbait! by TacticalBassin of your stuff covered so you can fish right now through fall into winter and have all of your terminal tackle so you don't have to worry about back orders the last technique i want to talk about it is a great technique you guys have seen it in the tournaments right now a lot of guys are fishing deep drop shotting and catching a lot of fish a lot of big fish pressured situations you slow down you throw that more finessy technique you get big bites but there are so many drop shot hooks on the market i wanted to simplify it for you now i throw simplify for it i have three different ones for you if that's simple enough again not brand specific i believe matt's number one favorite drop shot hook is going to be this trocar right here trokar drop drop shot hook i'll link it down below in the video description in all of these hooks i typically throw a one or a one knot sometimes a two odd if i'm throwing a big bait but typically a one or a one on so the trokar is a must-have another great one is that g finesse by gamakatsu uh the aaron martin's drop shot hook is a spectacular hook it has that nano coating on it very sticky very slick a very good finesse light wire hook and then the other one that we always use is going to be that mosquito light
Best Hooks For Bass Fishing: Senko, Worms, Crankbaits, Topwater, Swimbait! by TacticalBassin most of you guys have seen the matt allen swim bait head this has been a top seller a bestseller sold out all across the country for a a long time matt and matt allen and kurt from dirty jigs built this built this head several years ago and it has been money the difference between the two we like to throw the heavier wire hook just like in the treble hooks we like to throw that heavier wire hook but it is not always needed especially when you're in clear water you want to downsize the actual swimbait you're throwing you're going for smallmouth or spotted bass in pressured fisheries clear water the fish are line shot you know we've kind of talked about the last couple weeks we've talked about knots we've talked about different types of line now we're talking about different types of hooks and now you know why there's so many different styles because it all changes depending on the situation you're in so we got the matt allen swim bait head that is your everyday chuck and wine swim bait head it's got a heavier wire hook if you're fishing big bass fisheries this is the swim bait head you want especially if you want an exposed hook if you're fishing lighter line pressured fish clear water and you just don't want to have to throw a heavier stout or heavier action rod check out the tactical bass and finesse head by dirty jigs
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