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What's the best way to fish an Illude bait?

The term "Illude bait" is not familiar to me in the context of bass fishing. I apologize for any confusion, but could you please provide more information or clarify what you mean by "Illude bait"? This will help me provide a more accurate and tailored answer to your question. Thank you!

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3 Proven Methods for Fishing Glide Baits That Produce Giant Bass by Wired2Fish when you commit to throwing a big live bait like this it's very important to use a bait that can give you direct visual feedback it's a very key component to learning the mechanics of this particular lure and every other lawyer you throw clear water is ideal because you you can see this bait a long way and you can make that visual connection to your physical mechanics and exactly how you're working your rod reel in the line and how it translates directly to the other end of your line here you want to be able to do that continuously and create muscle memory so that you can fish this bait when it's not in sight the exact same way because there are times when you're gonna be fishing dirty water low-light conditions you know in a fishing structure offshore where you have to mentally paint a picture and a big part of that pictures what that bait is doing on that portion of the cover or structure you're fishing and really visualizing that big dominant fish coming up to investigate it and then triggering efficient you can't even see just like you normally would with a big follower and you do that through field and you can only develop that feel by first visually tracking the bait and what it's doing when you're learning efficient we're gonna go over the three basic retrieve styles that I utilize on this big I slide and other big glide baits
Big Baits and Big Fish, Expensive vs. Cheap Lures, Pond Fishing, and More | Bass Fishing by Bass Fishing Tips & Techniques by BassResource know, fish it a lot slower methodically over the tops of weeds or near cover or near ambush points such as if there's a stump or a rock or something like that nearby the fish might be hanging out on. If the water is murky, and the visibility isn't all that much, or if it's got a lot more weeds in it, then I'd pick something like a spinnerbait that has Colorado or Indiana blades on it. I like to fish 3/4-ounce spinnerbaits because of two things, well, primarily because of speed. I can fish it really fast and I can boil it just under the surface where I'm just bulging the water, not breaking the surface, or I can fish it a lot slower and slow roll it right near different cover. In addition, because of the weight, I can fish throughout the water column. So again, it makes it more versatile. So, those are really the three main lures that I'd always have with me when I'm shore fishing in the pond. Here's a great question. It's, "Can you please explain some of the harmful effects from the sun's rays?" You know, we talk about a lot of our fishing gear and our lures and fishing techniques, but one of the things we don't talk about that much that really needs to be talked about more, and that is the harmful effects from the sun. We're out in the sun every time we go out fishing. Whether we've got some cloudy cover or it's a bright, sunny day, you're still affected
Tips on Spy Baiting in 60 Seconds by Wired2Fish The Japanese have brought over a lot of great techniques for us bass fishermen. Here's the hottest and newest one: Spy Baiting. Anywhere fish swim, the bait fish are on the menu and I've yet to see a lure that looks more like a minnow. Spy baits feature an exceptional realistic finish on a small profile. This finesse hard bait excels on pressured fish in clear water and is best fished on spinning gear with 4-8 pound fluorocarbon line. This isn't a search technique, once you found fish, fire out a long cast and count down to the desired depth. The lure casts a mile and sinks fast. (Approximately 1 foot per second for precise depth control) Pay attention on the fall, as it has an attractive horizontal shape shimmy which can coax bites. Once you've counted down to the depth the fish are at, point the rod tip at the lure and slow real just fast enough to engage the props and get the lure to roll. Beyond the intricate finish, double props add subtle flash and vibration.
5 LURES That DOMINATE When Conditions Are RIGHT by BassFishingHQ actually cast this bait when you see schooling fish that's probably the easiest way to catch a bass on this bait is if you see fish that are busting even if that's in a pond but definitely on a lake throw this bait at them there are days where those bass that are busting will not hit a top water bait but they will absolutely crush this little spy bait and if you happen to fish a clear water pond as long as you can keep this kind of out of the scum and grass and nastiness this is going to be one of the best baits that you can throw in a pond the biggest key to catching fish on this bait is figuring out what level those bass are at in the water column if they're eight foot down 10 foot down whatever it may be and then you want to try to reel this bait just above them in that water column and they'll come up and get it now the fifth niche lure is absolutely one of my favorite techniques to go out and catch a bass literally it's probably in my top three of techniques period like i absolutely love this thing and that is the floating worm it is one of the best ways to catch bass from pre-spawn to post spawn and i actually did a full video on the floating worm it's a little
Finesse Tactics In The Fall | Bass Fishing by Bass Fishing Tips & Techniques by BassResource But don't worry about fishing all the way back to the boat. And now if you get around a bunch of fish, that's one thing you know, you can slow down a little bit more, but to find them, figure out the pattern, just let your shaky head fall down, spiral down. And most of your bites, probably 75% of your bites are gonna come on the fall. So, just make this bait fall down through there as many times as you can. And in the fall of the year, they're really keyed in on baitfish, you know, your shad and things like that. So, I like this smoke purple worm. This is a Sentsation Skinny Stick from Big Bite. It's just a five-inch bait. It's a really good bait fish imitator for that time of year. You don't want something that's gonna be bright. By this time of year, you know, the fish have really been pressured a lot from the spring all the way through the summertime and now getting into the fall. So, you wanna match whatever they're chasing as much as you can, and typically that's gonna be shad, smoke purple is gonna be the way to go in this lineup with a Skinny Stick. With the line set up. I like 10-pound SX1 Sunline to an 8-pound sun Sunline Shooter leader. And you, you know, your leader length is really a lot of personal preference. I tie an FG knot, so I probably have, you know, about a 20-foot leader on there at all times.
How to Fish a Glide Bait for Big Bass! by Mike Iaconelli Fishing got two more for you scent scent and this one guys will debate with me i've seen it way too many times fishing a hard glide bait right not a soft bait but a hard glide bait we're adding scent to this bait every 40 50 casts makes a difference think about those fish think about what i said they're following it right they're behind it they're trailing it they're watching it as it glides dude they're also smelling it and i promise you a good quality scent on that bait will help you get more bites i love liquid mayhem liquid mayhem is real sticky it's a sticky paste and it stays on those hard baits really really good all right last tip for your glide bait fishing i like to watch this glide bait a lot and i like to to fish it from just under the surface to where i can barely i can't see it anymore right just where it gets too dark to see it so that one to four or five foot down depending on how clear the water is that's where i love to fish these glide baits and i like to watch them some of these baits that are real bright white baits look at this one got a real bright green white sides they're real easy to track they're real easy for you to see in the water and keep your eye on them during the retrieve

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