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What's the best way to fish a Hinkle Shad?

The Hinkle Shad is a popular bait for bass fishing. To fish with a Hinkle Shad, there are a few techniques you can try.

One common method is to work the bait slowly over the top of fish that are five to ten feet below the surface. This is especially effective when using live scope to locate fish. The natural posture and slow movement of the Hinkle Shad can entice these fish to bite.

Another technique is to fish the Hinkle Shad around high percentage spots such as isolated pieces of timber or the tip of a grass point. These are areas where bass are likely to be located, even if you can't see them. The Hinkle Shad's realistic appearance and action make it a great choice for these situations.

In terms of retrieve, it's important to work the bait at a pace that matches the fish's activity level. If the fish are aggressive, you can burn the bait through the water to trigger a reaction strike. On the other hand, if the fish are less active, a slower retrieve with occasional pauses can be more effective.

It's worth noting that the Hinkle Shad is just one type of bait, and different baits may work better in certain situations. The video context suggests that the Hinkle Shad is particularly effective for fishing around lily pads and in open areas. However, it's always a good idea to experiment with different baits and techniques to see what works best for you in your fishing conditions.

Please let me know if you have any more specific questions about fishing with the Hinkle Shad or any other bass fishing topics.

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