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What is the term locked rod mean?

It sounds like you might be referring to a term related to securing or stabilizing fishing rods, but "locked rod" isn't a standard term in bass fishing. Based on the video context provided, there are a couple of possibilities that might align with what you're asking about:

  1. Locking Nuts on Custom Rods: In the first video, there is a mention of "two locking nuts" on a custom rod. This feature helps to secure the reel firmly in place, preventing it from coming loose during use. This could be what you're referring to if you're talking about a rod that has a secure mechanism to keep the reel in place.

  2. Rod Lockers: In several videos, there is mention of "rod lockers" on boats. These are storage compartments designed to securely hold fishing rods when they are not in use. They often have locking mechanisms to prevent theft or accidental damage. For example, the "Loc-R Bar" mentioned in the second video is a security feature that helps lock down the lids of these compartments.

If neither of these explanations fits what you were asking about, could you please provide more context or clarify your question? This will help me give you the most accurate and helpful information.

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    What is the term locked rod mean?