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What makes a reel BFS?

Great question! A BFS (Bait Finesse System) reel is specifically designed for throwing ultra-light baits and lures with a baitcasting setup. Here are some key features that make a reel a BFS reel:

  1. Shallow Spool: BFS reels have extremely shallow spools. This design helps in reducing the weight of the spool, allowing it to start spinning with minimal inertia. This is crucial for casting very light baits.

  2. Fine-Tuned Braking System: BFS reels often come with highly adjustable and sensitive braking systems. This helps in controlling the cast and preventing backlash when using light lures. The braking system can be either magnetic or centrifugal, but it’s designed to be very precise.

  3. Smooth Drag System: The drag system in BFS reels is usually very smooth and often features a clicker drag. This allows for better control when fighting fish, especially when using light lines.

  4. High-Quality Bearings: To ensure smooth operation and long casts, BFS reels are equipped with high-quality bearings. These bearings help in reducing friction and allow the spool to spin freely.

  5. Lightweight Construction: The overall construction of BFS reels tends to be lightweight. This includes the use of materials like aluminum or carbon fiber to reduce the reel's weight, making it easier to handle and cast light baits.

  6. Precision Engineering: BFS reels are often finely engineered to handle the specific demands of finesse fishing. This includes tight tolerances and high-quality components to ensure reliability and performance.

In the video context provided, it’s mentioned that BFS reels have "extremely shallow spools" and are designed to handle "the smallest of baits in the worst conditions on casting gear." This highlights the importance of the spool design and the overall precision of the reel.

If you have any more specific questions or need further clarification on any of these features, feel free to ask! Happy fishing!

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