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What budget rod under $70 should I match with it? I'm looking for a fast rod that isn't too stiff.

Absolutely, I'd be happy to help you find a budget rod to pair with your Abu Garcia Max STX baitcaster reel! Based on the video context and your preference for a fast action rod that isn't too stiff, here are a few recommendations under $70:

  1. Daiwa Aird X: This rod was mentioned in the DEBO'S Fishing video as a solid budget option. It's priced around $50 and offers a good balance of sensitivity and strength. The medium-heavy version might be a bit too stiff for your liking, so I would recommend going with the medium power, fast action model.

  2. Abu Garcia Vengeance: Also highlighted in the DEBO'S Fishing video, the Vengeance is another great budget-friendly option. It's known for its durability and decent sensitivity. The medium power, fast action version should suit your needs well without being too stiff.

  3. Lew's Speed Stick: This rod was mentioned in the "Choosing a Baitcaster rod under $100 by Fishing With YakPak" video. The Speed Stick is a reliable option and offers good performance for its price. The medium power, fast action variant should provide the right balance you're looking for.

  4. Shakespeare Ugly Stik GX2: While not mentioned in the videos, the Ugly Stik GX2 is a well-known budget rod that offers great durability and sensitivity. The medium power, fast action model is versatile and should pair well with your reel.

When choosing a rod, consider the type of fishing you'll be doing most often. For example, if you're using treble hook baits or topwater lures, a rod with a bit more bend (moderate fast action) might be beneficial to keep fish pinned. However, for techniques requiring more sensitivity like jigging, a fast action rod is ideal.

If you need more specific recommendations or have any other questions, feel free to ask! Happy fishing!

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    What budget rod under $70 should I match with it? I'm looking for a fast rod that isn't too stiff.