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I cannot figure out how to spool my baitcaster even with tutorials. What should I do?

Hey there! Spooling a baitcaster can be a bit tricky at first, but with a bit of practice, you'll get the hang of it. Let's break it down step-by-step to make it easier for you:

  1. Gather Your Materials: You'll need your baitcasting reel, the fishing line (whether it's monofilament, fluorocarbon, or braid), and a spooling station or a pen/pencil if you don't have one.

  2. Attach the Reel to the Rod: This will make the process easier and more stable.

  3. Thread the Line: Start by threading the line through the rod guides, starting from the tip and working your way down to the reel.

  4. Secure the Line to the Spool:

    • Tighten the Drag: Before you start spooling, tighten your drag completely. This ensures that the line is spooled tightly and evenly.
    • Tie the Line: Use an overhand knot or an arbor knot to secure the line to the spool. Make sure it's tight and secure.
  5. Spooling the Line:

    • Maintain Tension: As you start reeling, maintain tension on the line. You can do this by holding the line between your fingers, but be careful not to burn your fingers by reeling too fast.
    • Even Distribution: Let the baitcaster's levelwind guide the line back and forth across the spool. Keep your hand steady and let the reel do the work to ensure the line is evenly distributed.
  6. Fill the Spool: Fill the spool until it's about an eighth of an inch from the lip. Overfilling can cause issues with casting and can lead to backlashes.

  7. Cut and Tie: Once you've spooled enough line, cut the line and tie on your lure or hook.

  8. Check Your Work: Make sure the line is evenly distributed and there are no loose loops or uneven spots.

If you're still having trouble, it might be helpful to watch a few more tutorials or even ask for a demonstration at your local tackle shop. Sometimes seeing it done in person can make all the difference.

If you have any specific issues or steps where you're getting stuck, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to help you out! Happy fishing! 🎣

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How To Spool A Baitcaster Reel | Bass Fishing by Bass Fishing Tips & Techniques by BassResource → So now that I've got that done, alls I need to do is just start winding it on. And it's really just a matter of the tension has to be pretty tight here. Not super tight, but what I like to do is just run my fingers on here just to hold it on here. Don't grab it too tight because you'll burn your fingers after a while. And don't spool it, don't reel it really fast because you can burn your fingers again. But just spool it on, it's that simple. The key thing you wanna have in mind here is you want line to maintain right in the center of that baitcaster. Don't move the line at all, hold it in place, let the baitcaster levelwind go back and forth and do it's thing. Just hold your hand right in place and don't move with it. It's very straightforward. If you move it to one side or the other, you're gonna pack the line on to one side of the spool or the other. So just leave your hand right there. Once you get it to just, you know, underneath the spool there, underneath the lip of the spool, you're fine. Don't overfill it. Because if you fill it up too much, what happens is the lever on the baitcaster, it's like a pendulum, you click it down, well the top part moves away, the bottom moves in. And if you overfill it, the bottom part of that thumb bar is gonna touch that line and it's gonna impede your casting.
How To Spool A Baitcaster Reel | Bass Fishing by Bass Fishing Tips & Techniques by BassResource → Hey folks, Glenn May here with BassResource.com. And today I wanna show you how to put line on a baitcasting reel. It's pretty straightforward but there's a few gotchas that can get you here. So first of all what I have here is a Berkley Spooling Station. This I really like. I've had this for, I don't know, a couple decades now. Berkley still makes 'em, you can get 'em on their website, you can get 'em on Cabela's, Bass Pro Shop. What I recommend is see if your local tackle store has it. Support your local tackle store if you can. But anyway, it's real easy to get these things. It's easy to...you just put your reel right on here, put your spool on the other end, and it's easy to load your line. If you don't have one of these, then a real cheap and effective way to do it is just take a pen, put it in the hole of your filler spool, run your line down through your rod, then you put it on your reel when you're ready to spool it. Then I just hold the pen or pencil in between my feet and then I just reel like that. It's a simple holder, it's a little awkward, but it works. But again, I recommend something like this. So here's how you do this. First of all what you wanna do is take your line and guide it right through the eye of the baitcaster. And then, you see these wiffle spools here? These are perfect.
How to Spool a Baitcaster Reel (Tips & Tricks) by Mike Iaconelli Fishing → spinning on itself okay so if you're doing this with braid remember 10 or 20 yards of backing mono or fluorocarbon then tie a knot to your braid and then just pick up where where I'm about to start now okay the line is through the guides first thing we've got to do is we've got to get this line into the spool before I even do that I always want to tighten up my star drag tighten up your drag as tight as you can get it you never want to spool a bait caster with your drag loose if you do that you have a chance to throw some slack into that even weave of the spool and that's going to lead to backlashes uh a knot on the cast you don't want that so tighten up your drag once I do that I like to get my level Winder to the center of the Reel that's going to help me get the line in the right position to get it tighter on the spool this is probably honestly guys the hardest part of the whole process is getting that line through the winder and all I'm going to do once I get it through the winder and under that spool is I'm going to tie a simple overhand double knot to the spool that's all I'm going to do so the system that I use here it goes guys I've got that Winder in the middle
How to Spool a Baitcaster Reel (Tips & Tricks) by Mike Iaconelli Fishing → and this is how I spool my bait casters my conventional rules man I hope you like these shops if you like what you're hearing do me a favor stop right now hit the Subscribe button become a subscriber to my channel if you're already subscribed tell your friends if you know someone that's new to fishing if you know someone that's been fishing for 50 years tell me about Mike iginelli fishing on YouTube we're here to help you learn and hopefully become a better fisherman I hope you use those tips hold your baitcaster catch a big one bye
How to Spool a Baitcaster Reel (Tips & Tricks) by Mike Iaconelli Fishing → more than say 150 yards you can come back in with some silicone spray spray it again and just get back to it going left going right going left going right using my fingers to help that thing put it on evenly from left to right and I've really it's critical to pay attention and not overfill the spool okay I'm just about done I'm going to get two more turns on it I'm going to show you what it looks like okay and there we go okay I'm going to cut the line okay and now I've got the line on that reel and if you notice that's 20 pound fluorocarbon it went on even there's no ruts or divots in it it's smooth all that chalk is gone from the line and on the ike Revo reels if you noticed I made sure that the top eighth of an inch of that spool I had them make it a different color so on this igrivo that eighth of an inch is purple so I know exactly when to stop but if you don't have that on your reel make sure you leave about an eighth of an inch uh empty never want to over fill that reel um man this seems so simple but yet there's a lot of pieces to it I hope you enjoyed it uh this is the system that I've developed over 30 years of fishing

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    I cannot figure out how to spool my baitcaster even with tutorials. What should I do?