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Does reel magic fishing line spray work?

Absolutely, Reel Magic fishing line spray can effectively improve the performance of your fishing line. Based on the video context provided, Reel Magic is praised for several benefits that can enhance your fishing experience:

  1. Reduces Line Memory: Line memory refers to the tendency of the fishing line to retain the shape of the spool, which can cause coiling and tangling. Reel Magic helps to reduce this memory, making the line more manageable and reducing the chances of backlashes, especially on baitcasting reels.

  2. Improves Casting Distance: By reducing friction, Reel Magic allows for smoother casts. This can help you achieve greater casting distances, which is crucial when you're trying to reach those hard-to-get-to spots where bass might be hiding.

  3. Keeps Line Limp: A limp line is easier to handle and less likely to tangle. Reel Magic conditions the line, keeping it soft and flexible, which can be particularly beneficial for both spinning and baitcasting setups.

  4. UV Protection: Some line sprays, including Reel Magic, offer UV protection. This helps to prolong the life of your line by protecting it from the sun's harmful rays, which can weaken the line over time.

  5. Ease of Use: The application process is straightforward. You can spray the line directly on the spool and let it sit overnight for the best results. This ensures the line is well-conditioned before you start fishing.

In summary, using Reel Magic can make your fishing line more durable, easier to handle, and improve your overall fishing performance. It's a small investment that can make a significant difference, especially if you fish frequently. If you have any specific questions about how to use it or its benefits, feel free to ask!

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    Does reel magic fishing line spray work?