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What leader knots provide the best action for big swimbaits?

When using big swimbaits, it's important to choose the right leader knot to ensure the best action. In the video "Swimbait Fishing For Bass" by TacticalBassin, they recommend using a blood knot for tying the leader to the main line. The blood knot is a strong and reliable knot that maintains the integrity of the line, allowing for optimal action of the swimbait.

To tie a blood knot, you'll want to make nine loops on both ends of the line and then pass one end through the loops of the other end. Wetting the knot before cinching it tight will help it slide smoothly and prevent damage to the line. It's important to note that tying a blood knot can be a bit challenging, especially with fresh braid, but with practice, it becomes easier.

The recommended setup in the video is to use 80-pound braid as the main line and a 35-pound shock leader. The shock leader is typically made of fluorocarbon and provides additional strength and abrasion resistance. It's important to use a leader that is slightly heavier than the main line to ensure it can handle the stress and potential impact of a big swimbait.

Remember, the specific knot and leader setup may vary depending on personal preference and fishing conditions. It's always a good idea to experiment and find what works best for you. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification, please provide more details from the video context.

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    What leader knots provide the best action for big swimbaits?